Should I Update My Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo Xi?


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Corel has come out with several new versions. I have downloaded the X2 but don't see much difference. I have upgraded to new Dells and Vista. Should I wait to upgrade my Photo programs?
Corel has come out with several new versions. I have downloaded the X2 but don't see much difference. I have upgraded to new Dells and Vista. Should I wait to upgrade my Photo programs?

Well, unless the new version has a feature that you need to use in a commercial sense, then i would say dont bother with the upgrade. The expense vs feature trade off is not worth it.
good advice, imho, Axleuk, perhaps it might be worth the OP looking at "Gimp", it runs Photoshop close, but is free!!! i still use photoshop cs2, not cs3, as i find nothing in it to make the change worth it.

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