Should I Try Just Clean Water?


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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I'm still battling fin issues with my female bettas. I've been treating for the past month with JBL ektol fluid..for the last few treatments I've even went over the recommended dose hoping that would help. The ektol fluid did seem to help but it wasn't getting rid of the fin was just kind of keeping it under control (like cough drops for a sore throat etc) so I decided to try JBL furanol the day before yesterday. I was pleased to wake up this morning to see that their fins looked more healed but then when I came home from school (I'm studying Swedish) 3-4 of them have tattered shreded fins again :/

I can't keep buying medications for these fish I think I've been dealing with issues with them for well over 2 months with some success but not with the fin rot. I was thinking of just trying clean water everyday? Maybe it'll make things worse but what can I do?

The ektol fluid lasts about 4 different treatments (4 days each treatment) and it costs about 15 US dollars. The furanol is the same price and it lasts for 4 days as well.

I tried Waterlife Myxazin before but only for a few days as I saw no improvements. I've been putting salt in their water as well but this last treatment with the Furanol I decided not to ..just to try something else to see if it would help without it. I've also tried garlic liquid. I'm not sure if that helped or not.

I know I started a thread a few weeks back about when is it ok to euthanize and others said if the fish weren't giving up why should I but I'm seriously being drained finacially as well as emotionally and I don't know how much more I can take. I'm not rich and have been sacraficing other things just so I can buy fish medication. I feel bad saying that but it's true.

I was thinking of stopping all medications and just trying small water changes everyday to see if that would help and if not either they will die themselves or if they get really bad I'll euthanize them.

I feel like a terrible person but what would all of you do in my situation? Remember this has been going on for a couple of months now...actually when I think about it I think I've been dealing with this for about 3 months :-(
I agree with Feeshy...Clean water, frequent changes, and a little bit of salt. Don't feel have been battling this for quite some time now and any of us would get frustrated. It is really hard to keep spending money that you probably don't have on a losing battle. Whatever happens in the end, you know that you gave it 110%.
Who knows, once they get a break from the meds, things might turn around! :) Keep us posted!
what about the almond leaves or whatever they are? i was just reading a post (in one of the pinned betta topics) about how great and healing it is for ill bettas. just a thought, it didn't seem to expensive but if you've already spent a lot every extra dollar adds up.
I agree with naughty and freeshy. Fresh water, clean, some salt. Give them a chance to use their own immunity. Are they nipping each other?

I am going to do one more treatment to get rid of the culumnaris. I wouldn't do that but the LFS feels a little responsible for me getting it from them. They gave me a supply of the stuff they use. So I will give it one more go. At the end of this treatment all neons will get quarantined if I have to tear my planted 100 gal totally apart. It goes away for a week after treatment then comes right back to the same fish. None but the neons.

So, Elisabeth, do what you can to give them a fighting chance and put the antibiotics and anti parasitics, all that stuff, away. Sterilize and water changes.

Good luck, good fight, little fishies.

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