should i treat for white spot or not just yet!?

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Fish Crazy
Mar 31, 2005
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Hi, I've recently treated my tank with methylene blue as my fish seemed like they were about to die. Its now been around 4-5 days after i added my carbon pad back to my tank.

This morning i noticed a few little white spots on 2 of my angels, its only on two of the new ones i bought a few days ago and its on their fins. My other fish are clear of any signs of anything but i'm not sure if i should start adding methylene blue again to treat for white spot. :huh:
if you are sure you have whitespot then you should treat it straight away you can also raise the temprature of the tank do this gradually
ok, methylene blue works jsut as good as the other meds specifically for white spot right?
First of all what kind of fish do you have in the tank. methylene blue is used more for fungus. You can start by raising the temp. to 85 and adding salt if you dont have any scaless fish. Please ost the fish you have and the tank size so we can help you better
malachite green is the usuall white spot treatment/ parasite treatment...... methylene blue has a small antie fungal efect, its mainly used to help retain the oxegen in the waterwhen using certain treatments
If you suspect white spot, treat now to prefent it from spreading, and keep treating a few weeks after they have gone

malachite green is the usuall white spot treatment...... methylene blue has a small antie fungal efect, its mainly used to help retain the oxegen in the water when using certain treatments.
I have used the methylene blue on eggs that my angel laid to help get rid of the fungus on them. I knew it wasnt for ich.. I really didnt know what else it was used for..But you do need to start treating the ich right away. The temp. raising is a good ideal. I dont like to use medicine unless it is a have to case. I try to keep the water as clean a possible and I dont have hardly any trouble at all. Add the salt if you dont have any scaless fish and do a water change of 20 percent or so every three days. This should rid your tank of the parasite......
When I suspected it, it was from a few tiny spots on about 3 neons, I upped the temperature and treated...

Did not lose 1 fish and the spots vanished, so I guess I would errr on the side of caution personally.
ok i can't use salt or malachite green because half of my fish are scaleless!

Its a 180 litre tank. I've added some methylene blue and raised my temp a little. my methyene blue says it gets rid of white spot.

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