Should i start again ???


New Member
May 4, 2004
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Hi all,
i'm hoping you can help! All levels are fine ph 7.4, no am or nir, everything with water is fine. I have 350 UK ltrs tank which i stupidly brough in ICK to about 7 weeks ago. I've been treating with esha exit which seems to work, but got secoradary infection which took out 1/2 guppies and cardinals so treated with esha 2000 and seemed to stop losing any more. was treating with exit and 2000 for 14 days, changed 30 % water after finnished and vac up gravel well. eveything seemed to be ok, was clear for 2 weeks and its back! ICK! so have rasied temp to 84 and started to treat again with exit, this time the spot are not going! I am slowing running out of money to treat large tank ! should i start again?
Should i run tank without fish to see if i can stop the cycle of ICK?
if not which is best way to clean tank/rock/gravel/plants?

i have 2 tanks i can move fish to which are cycled, i though i would put all non salt liking fish in one, cats and tetras and everyone else in a salt containing tank?
tank contains
20 guppies 4 adult platty 10 young, 3 bristle nose, 2 coolie loach. 4 tetra, 4 glowlights, 2 drawf goram, 2 honey, flying fox

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