Should I Save Him?


Dec 4, 2006
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Huntingdon, Cambs

I posted on here a little while ago about setting up a 5gal tank and hoping to get a betta, I took the advice given and removed the pagoda and got a few live plants(2 of which died, I don't think they were aquatic plants), so at the mo there's 1 live plant with big leaves and 2 fake silk ferns.

Anyway, what I'm wondering is, is it too early to get a betta? I've only been cycling my tank for almost 2 weeks now(2 weeks on Sunday), I would wait but the fish I want is in a bad way.

I spotted him in the lfs the day after I bought my tank and knew I wanted him, I've been back in a few times just to check he hadn't been sold, well the other day I went in and he looked awful! They are keeping him with a load of neon tetras(about 50 or so!) and his fins have been torn quite badly, I've said a few times that he shouldn't be with them but no notice has been taken. He also seems to be going grey and pretty lifeless, I feel so sorry for him, I wish I could get him out of that tank before the stress kills him. At the same time I don't want to take him out and put him in a tank that's still cycling which might make him worse, I've never kept bettas before so have no idea how hardy they are. I'm scared to go back to the lfs on Sunday incase he's dead.

What should I do?
Test your water and see what the stats are like. Rescues arent always a good idea, if you do DONT pay for him. Paying encourages the LFS to keep keeping them in the wrong way.
Don't you think that regardless whether she pays for it or not, it's still a rescue to the fish? I'm sure he doesn't care whether she pays for him or not, he's just grateful to be going somewhere that he'll be loved. I say go for it! whether you pay or not, because saving that little fellow is the right thing to do!
Its not right to keep buying from an lfs that mistreats its stock, it only encourages them to continue doing it
I agree. If you pay for him, it encourages shops to keep fish in unsuitable conditions. They're not going to worry too much as long as they get a sale.
Like Zoe said, check your water and if it's fine then go for it. Insist that you want him for nothing though as he's in a bad way.
Ok, my opinion is this, get him, even if you pay for him. A rescue is a rescue and even if you demand it for free, its not going ot stop them from doing it. Most LFS sell millions of fish, whats one fish to them. I know wamart gets payed money for the fish whether it lives or dies. Im sure the other ones do the same. Most of the time they do it so they give you the fish so you dont argue and go higher up to corporate and get them in trouble for ittle stupid things that dont have much relevance to them even though it does to you. They get millions of customers and Im sorry to say, but lettign a fish die on the shelves jsut because you want to make a point doesnt make much sense to me??? I mean, that fish WILL die and then what, they get another to replace it. No loss to the company, jsut a loss of the fish life.

Bettas are pretty hardy so even if your tank isnt fully cycled it will be more htna fine. Get him and save him from a terrible fate!!! :good:
I don't think it's a question of making a point to the lfs. It's a case of the more people spend money in these places, the more they are going to carry on as they are.
It was never suggested to just leave him there to die rather than pay for him. If I go to a fish shop where they don't look after their fish, I'll mention it to them and see how they react. If I go again and things are just the same then I won't shop there again. If more people did this then they wouldn't make money.
I brought one of my Bettas from a fish shop who was getting his fins ripped to shreds by some Zebra Danios. I had a word with the owner who wasn't concerned at all and decided to buy the fish. I refuse to go there again and others have said the same, they refuse to go because of how the fish are treated. The last I heard, the business wasn't doing well at all.
I'm all for rescuing fish and hate to see them poorly treated but I also hate to line the pockets of stores who neglect them.
I personally wouldnt buy a fish just to rescue it knowing that they will then replace it with another and the same thing will happen to the next one. Im always complaining in lfs's and getting fish moved. If you do get him I would take some info with you like a list of dos and donts for bettas and give them it.
That's a good point Zoe.
I was lucky at our lfs when they decided to stock their Bettas differently. They wanted to divide a breeding trap into 3 to keep them in. I said that I didn't think it was a good idea and may give people the wrong impression. They decided to use one and divide it in half instead. Not quite the result I wanted but at least they took some notice.
I've been to a couple of shops and told staff if I've seen fish being attacked/attacking and they've moved the fish to more suitable tanks. Sadly, not all of them are wlling to listen but I won't give up trying!
A lot of them will try, they cant always due to limits in the number of tanks. I dont even look at the fish in the bad shops id be thre for hours complaining. My fiance gets embarrased when i argue with them
Save him

Yesterday I wanted to save 2 bettas. They were in a LFS, a very big franchise one mind you, and they were in these little love heart tanks. They wouldnt of had more than half a cup of water in them, and the tank wasnt even full.

I was so shocked and I said out loud "that is just so cruel". I think they must get it all the time, but then there are people who see the little tiny tanks and think "wow they must be so easy to keep" and buy them because there is hardly any maintance. Its f***ing cruel to the max.
Firstly, sorry for the delay in responding, my browser kept closing down everytime I tried to post so I'm having to use a diff browser.

Well I saved him, I know the shop won't change conditions, so I'll just have to keep going in and moaning and saying rather loudly "well isn't that just cruel" etc. Thing is the other fish are all well looked after and seem happy and healthy, I think it's a case of they haven't got room for lots of individual tanks for bettas so just stick them in with whatever and hope for the best.

My stats aren't fantastic so I decided to put him in with my corys in their 50L until I can get nitrite, ammonia etc down, they haven't bothered with him and vice versa so fingers crossed he'll be ok in there until his tank is ready. He seems alot happier and is swimming and eating fine :) I've named him Koroshiya

I know it's not ideal rescuing him and lining their pockets but to me saving a life is worth more than proving a point.
I am glad that you have your betta. I was going to suggest that you get him whether or not your tank was ready, but keep him in a pitcher or bowl (1 gallon or larger preferred) and change the water frequently until you could get his final home cycled.

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