Should I Remove The Barbs?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 12, 2007
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I have a 180 litre tank which currently has 3 congo Tetras, 5 Phantom Tetras, 2 Rainbow Ram , 1 Swordtail , 4 Tiger Barbs, 1 Plec. The latest edition was the Tiger Barbs I bought 6 and two have died I don't know why the water is fine so I assume from stress of moving but My swordtail is very stressed and constanly hiding under rocks and today when it swam out I noticed it's back fin is chewed and saw a Tiger Barb having a quick nip off him.

I was told that I was OK to add Tiger Barbs but now I'm not so sure they seem to leave my other fish alone but they have picked on this swordtail and now I don't know whether I should get more Barbs so theres a bigger shoul and they won;t bother my other fish or should I get rid of the Tigers and sell them on?

Please let me know what you think.

the information you were given was not all bad, tiger barbs are most renound fin nippers and a good LFS will recomend no long fined fish as tank mates (this includes congo tetras and swordtails) but as with most barbs a big enough should of maby 15+ and the nipping is mostly on one another and rearly/not much on other breeds of fish.
if i was you then i would lose the tiger barbs (not lose littlerly) for the sake of your swordtail and congo tetras.
also congo tetras should be in a shoul of 6+ to get the most colour and activity out of them.
the information you were given was not all bad, tiger barbs are most renound fin nippers and a good LFS will recomend no long fined fish as tank mates (this includes congo tetras and swordtails) but as with most barbs a big enough should of maby 15+ and the nipping is mostly on one another and rearly/not much on other breeds of fish.
if i was you then i would lose the tiger barbs (not lose littlerly) for the sake of your swordtail and congo tetras.
also congo tetras should be in a shoul of 6+ to get the most colour and activity out of them.

Thank you for that I am going to give the Tiger barbs back to the shop and once the other fish are calm again in a few weeks I plan to add more Congo Tetras as well so that's great advice thank you
If you are adding Congos, I did find that they loved peas and other veggies and really made their colours come out. Mine look fantastic now, so maybe some veggies will help them. :rolleyes:

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