Should I Put A Net In My Tank To Keep My Fish A Live!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2005
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i have
3 yellow tips
1 pleco
2 male guppies
4 felamle guppies
& my guppies have frys & they just die when born
so should i put a net wall thing to spilt my tanks in half
with the pleco , yellow tips & males in
& put the felmales in the other half

what do you think
i have 1
but i have only 1s seen a fry they just seen to go :sad:
Why did you post this in this section and the begginer section? I responded to the one in the begginer section so go check it out.
have seen frys now about 9 they swim around the bottom & have lots of places to hide they are very small
will they be fine there or should i get a breeder net

how do they eat the food if they are at the bottom of the tank or hiding how do they ate the food the other fish will ate the food first

will the pleco ate the fry
just checked them &
there are 4 swiming around the bottom at the back & 1 at the top of the tank swimming around ( very bravo) :eek: :eek:
have fish do nt seen to bother them
but will they be ok until they grown up
:shifty: :shifty: :shifty:
& how do i feed them

:sly: :*) -_- ;)
There are a few ways...

1. young Brine Shrimp easily available at pet stores, preferrably not frozen.

2. egg yolk mashed with water: a few drops will provide a protein cloud but be careful not to add to much to avoid ruining water coniditions. As a plus its nice and cheap.

3. Culture some microworms: easy and cheap + very good at allowing the fry to grow quickly preventing disease + being eaten as they get bigger.

Daphnia and vinegar eels are also alternatives but I haven't used them myself
ill do that thanks :D

but just wordering what are they eating now than
because they seen do be doing fine
are they eating the leftovers or something :look:
Culture some microworms can u tell me more please -_- ;) ;) ;)
do i need to get a breeding net they seen fine in the tank
Started out breeding guppies and I waited until I could clearly see the gravid spot on the females abdomen then I would place her in a spawing cell (which floats on the surface of the water), similar to a breeding net.

This cell had a layer for the female to sit in with small holes leading to a lower layer. Once the female has spawned the upper layer can be removed leaving the fry to develop safely in the cell.

I would them feed the fry on liquifry no. 2 (might be no. 1 but says on the bottle "for livebearers") for about a week and then move them on to tetra min mini flake until they were large enough to take microworm and baby brine. They would then remain in the cell until about half the size of the adults and then I would either release them into the main tank to cope as best they could or into a small 10 - 20 gallon tank to matuer and sell on.

By removing the female before spawning you can almost guarantee a 90% survival rate of the fry, however this may not be desirable as I did have some spawings of approx 50 fry!
I personaly hate breeding nets, and beleave if you don't have the room to breed then don't and let the fry fend for themselfs.

If you want to breed, get another tank of at least 5g and use that to raise the fry.
what i should do is do what Nadine F said & get a breeding net & if i do nt than the fry will die

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