Should I Over Filter?


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2007
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My tank has been running for just over 6 months now and everything is great, happy fish etc. It's 125litres and I'm using a Fluval 3Plus. I actually have a stocking over it as I had a couple incidents with guppies getting caught in the filter. I find I have quite lot of tiny debris flying around in my tank. If I get a larger filter will it help? What do people think?
I've just put an external filter onto mine, and it's made a huge difference so I would say yes - put an external on it.

If i were you, i would get rid of the current filter and purchase a cannister filter. They are the best when it comes to filtration.

If you are keen on an external, you can look at Aqua One, Eheim, Fluval... etc.

You will, however, notice a difference in filtration!
Thanks guys. This is my first proper tank and so far I've only used internal filters. Am I right in thinking canister filters sit outside the tank? I've got a shelf above my tank, are the filters suitable to sit up there? And then to I just feed a couple of pipes into the tank?
Yes , it sits outside the tank , personally i wouldn't put it on a shelf , i would make sure it is below the water level and sturdy. The pipes etc come with the filter - the tetratec range are very good

You don't ever want to put a canister filter above the tank. They all work with gravity's help and having the filter above the tank will increase the static pressure in the intake hose and decrease the filters efficiency by a fair amount. Could be to the point of the filter not working at all.

Internal filters are junk in my mind. Hang on back filters work very nice, I personally like the AquaClear filters since they actually incorperate 3 stage filtration unlike most HOB filters. Canister filters are nice and quiet but a little more of a hassle to clean the HOBs.

Over filtering can pose a problem in small tanks especially with small fish. So only get a filter that will fit your setup.
OK, well my knowledge of filters is very basic. My tank is 125 litres community tank and well stocked (but not over stocked at all). The Fluval 3Plus seems to be doing a good job and my water stats are as they should be. I just started thinking about this as I added some new bogwood (after boiling and soaking) and the water still has a tint to it and it got me thinking.

What would you guys recommend for this set up?

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