Should I Level My Tank?


New Member
Oct 22, 2007
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So I've been reading about tanks cracking/bursting. A big contributer to that problem is not having you tank level.

My tank isn't level. Everything seems to be ever so slightly leaning towards the front left corner. The back left corner is like 1-2mm off. The back right corner is about 2mm off and the front right corner is about 4 mm off. Is this enough of a tilt to be concerned about?

Of course I didn't notice this until my tank was full, established and running for 4 months. :angry:

If I need to level it, how empty should the tank be before I move it. I don't want the bottom to break on me. I can get all the fish and water out. It's the shrimp that I'm going to have a hard time catching. I have 3 ghost shrimp and 3 cherry shrimp. Could I leave them in the tank with 1-2 inches of water?
Leave it alone ! you are more likely to do damage "fixing" this !!!!

Havnt you folk ever heard of a "spirit level" ? LOL
Hah. We just had a long discussion about wether I should level my tank or not. I decided against it.
It's only 20 gallons. Yes... I know about a spirit level, I was just to stupid NOT to use one when I first set up my tank. :blush:

So... just leave it alone? That seems simple enough. Thanks guys.
Leave it alone ! you are more likely to do damage "fixing" this !!!!

Havnt you folk ever heard of a "spirit level" ? LOL
Rooster you are one funny bird, makes my day lighter, thanks

Thanks for the feedback - Im told i'm very "dry" ! (and often misread)

And to "tenke56"... yours wasnt/isnt this small an error.... a mm or two could be solely down to manufacturing of the tank...
Mine is from the tank stand settling with the weight put on it. When I put the stand and tank up I used a level to make sure it was level before I added water and it was.
The other option may be that the floor is warping :crazy: If possible, take a look at the floor joists from underneeth the tank to make sure that they aren't deflecting over time....

55g shouldn't do damage I wouldn't have thought, but there is only one way to tell, tenke56. Is the stand on Carpet, or hardwood? other? Upstairs or downstairs?

A few mm on a 20g is no issue IMO, so I'd leave it :nod: As rooster says, the error couls acctualy be down to the tank build quality :nod:

All the best
For mine, it is a wooden stand on a carpet. It is down stairs and under the carpet is my cement slab foundation. I am thinking it is just the stand. I am not worried about it anymore. It could also mean that my house isn't level. *shrug*
Sounds like the stand, floor or tank not being as level as they could be. Won't be having issues on a concreat floor, making up part of the foundation, with weight, I'm fairly shure of that with just a 20g :good: With just a couple of mm off, I'd leave well alone though :nod

All the best

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