Should I Keep the Puffer?


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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I've got a dwarf puffer by himself in a five gallon tank. It seems to be doing fine. However, I think that it's a waste of a perfectly good tank.

So my options are:
Give the puffer away


Add creatures that won't get killed in that tank.

The latter doesn't seem possible, but if there are any suggetsions...
i know others have said different and also every puffer can be different but i would not personally put either of those fish in with that puffer as i think the puffer would be the only one to win.

example : my friends tank had various commi fish in it and she said she had trouble with some small puffers .. they were in fact trying to bite larger fish anywhere they could and geting pulled round the tank holding on to the host fish
and also chasing other small fish ie swordtalls round the tank stressing them

like i said at the start these are only my feelings have not for them to upset anyone but i am sure others will agree :p
I've got a pair of DP's in a 10g with 5 Zebra Danio's and 2 Ottos and they are fine. However in your 5g I would just put a pair of Otto's. However just as with all puffers have somewhere to put them should the puffer take a dislike to them. I think as long as whatever you add doesn't share the same space it shouldn't be a problem. Also have plenty of caves and such to keep the fish outta the same space. Just my take. I love my DP's I can sit and watch them for hours. They are one of the most interesting fish I own.
If you can find fresh water BB Gobies they should be fine, you could also fit an ancistrus (bristlenose pleco) in with them as they're fairly small (<5"). As to whether you get rid of the lil fella, depends on what you want the tank for, if you it to be colourful, more of a backdrop then yup take it back to the shop and get your normal run of the mill fish. If however you want something with a bit more personality, more enjoyable to watch and has plenty of character then I'd say keep it.

I've got a 30 gal and the only fish in there is 3 SA Puffers, 2 x Banjo Catfish, 2 x Ancistrus. Not over stocked but its still great when I come down in the morning and the plants part as the 3 puffers come up to the glass.
as said, a couple of otos might work, or a couple of fw bumblebee gobies (if they are available in your area). mollies and other community fish are NOT good tank mates for these little guys. they may be the littlest puffers, but they can also be the biggest nippers. '
i kept two dwarf puffers and two fw bbgs in a 5 gal. made for a nice little tank. i loved my silly puffers so much, i upgraded to a larger tank so i could have more of them. if puffers really aren't your thing though, not a fish you personally can really appreciate, then take him back and turn it into a community tank of some sort.

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