Should I Keep My Eclipse 12?


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
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I love this tank to daeth, and its very pretty, but its becoming too much. the mods that need to be made are crazy, but im willing to try. im 15, and Im just waiting for my 96w retro fit. What can i use to prevent splash damage?> Will spalash damage even occur? I think im going to ditch the stock filter and add two powerheads. gph is unknown as of right now. Im probably just going to be told to use crylic to prevent splash, and it sounds great, but how? I know of no where to have it cut. What should I do?
I love this tank to daeth, and its very pretty, but its becoming too much. the mods that need to be made are crazy, but im willing to try. im 15, and Im just waiting for my 96w retro fit. What can i use to prevent splash damage?> Will spalash damage even occur? I think im going to ditch the stock filter and add two powerheads. gph is unknown as of right now. Im probably just going to be told to use crylic to prevent splash, and it sounds great, but how? I know of no where to have it cut. What should I do?

Search google for glass/plastic cutters in your area, and get them to cut a piece to the size you want. I use one maxijet1200 on my 12g and it provides well over the recommended 20x turnover, they arent that expensive either. Splash damage will occur so make sure you get the glass/plastic to cover the bulbs otherwise you could cause a power fault.
ok. Thanks a lot. If i get a piece of acrylic to cover the top, will that screw up with the ph? I want a piece that will fill the top cover, adn then the light on top, with a out put fan, and an input. But will the cover screw with Ph gas, or whatever its called? If so, could i just drill a lot of little holes to prevent as much evap as possible?
Eclipse tanks are notoriious for being a PITA to modify into a nano reef. They have always has this rep. Nano Cubes are more modifiable. Bottom line, there is NOTHING like a 20G long. SH
lo thats what i was thinking. Or a 29 because thats the stnad my eclipse is on right now... the cost of lights is my biggest issue. Im gonna try to get a job at my lfs thios summer, and they sell nano cubes, so im waiting for discounts,.....

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