Should I keep my cories together?


Fish Crazy
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit, Mich USA
I have a big tank that I had 3 cory catfish in (2 albino and 1 bronze). I recently got a smaller tank so I was going to put the 3 in the new tank. So, I got the albinos in the smaller tank and they are doing great. But the bigger bronze cory is swimming so fast I cant catch him in the net, and now everytime I go to the tank he swims away :sad: Can I leave him alone in the big tank with livebearers and otos, or should I pry him out of the tank with the other two?
:lol: I no it's annoying when you can't catch them, don't leave him on his own they like to be in groups.
Hi Jen21 :)

For some reason corys seem to plod along most of the time, but they can swim surprisingly fast and be very agile when you want to catch them. :lol:

Either keep trying, or just leave your bronze there and get some more to keep him company. :D
Hi Jen21 :)

You have a kind heart! But you will be rewarded by watching those cute little corys enjoy each other's company. :wub: Perhaps some day they will even spawn for you. :thumbs:

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