Should I Just Move Her To Her Own Little Tank?


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
The pretty little platinum "long tail plakat" that I got from the Conneticut boy is getting nipped in the sorority tank. Her dorsal looks munched just slightly. She just goes off and hides. She is very quiet, and I've never seen her aggressive. The boy had said his fish were very mellow, and he used some housing options that would raise eyebrows here. Including leaving sibling brothers and sisters together to advanced maturity.

I'm thinking maybe he and his friends have plakat mohrs bred in the non aggressive direction. :/ She is in a tank with about 9 other girls that mostly have not been natured and nurtured in that direction at all. Maybe I should put her by herself for now until I can pick out the least aggressive group of girls, and put the Yo' Mama's in a Kill Bill Tank, making the Alpha Betta Sorority the less aggressive Greek house?

Any ideas or experience about this or the girls' tank/s?
I only have experience with "sibling past maturity" tanks and personally....I think they're the best thing in the world. The absolute most awesome tank, hands down. I kept my reds until they were just about a year old, now they live in a display tank up at my lfs. They were very interested in taking such a tank off my hands, and as much as I hated to part with them, I really needed the space plus they were going to a bigger, well decorated display tank. This only works with plakats though. So I just wanted to say that in regard to your "raise eyebrows"comment :)

Anyhoo, I would probably take her out if you have a smaller tank handy. This might really give her a chance to show her personality as well. She comes from a tank where she just blends in and no one really noticed that she was possibly smaller or slower etc, and now it's suddenly her weakness in a new surrounding with new tankmates. Seriously, you would probably laugh hysterically if you saw how siblings disregard each others faults and how they begin to interact after a certain age, it's really quite fascinating. I have a couple juvies who are still itty bitty...ittyyy bitty and they swim right along side brothers (who could easily swallow them whole) with absolutely no fear.

Dividing the girls might work out, or you might be happier leaving things as the are and keeping her solo. Do you really *want* another big tank?
:lol: I'm with nino. :lol:

I mentioned the "raised eyebrows", Wuv, because when I mentioned how this Thai young man kept his fish previously,there were some hysterical responses to the suggestion that there was more than one approach. :)

She was alone in a 3 gallon before when I first got her. I have the options of a single tank, with a male in a cory tank, or her in a cory tank or some other alternative community. I may email the young man and ask for his suggestions.

Somewhere in my head there is the assumption that there will either be a larger sorority tank or a second sorority tank. :rolleyes:

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