Should I Just Give Up?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 29, 2007
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Can someone just tell me how to work a skimmer please??? i really have tryed, i mean i got told dont turn it on till i have fish in there and corals. so i got 4 fish and loads of little corals but it still over flows or just even up up to the line where it should be.I just feel like givin up and not using it alot, so i NEED skimmer on the go for everything to live?

Also how much salt is needed for 16 liters i have it about 1023 ish i think. I need to do a water change as not done one :crazy: sorry.
And also how do you stop a pulsing xenia from growing? mine is goin mad.

Many Thanks Eigdoog :good:
I am not familiar with that product at all. Maybe you need to add an air stone. Mine has a needle wheel pump that adds super fine bubbles. I thought, I could be wrong, that you need to buy an air stone for some skimmers to work. If someone else could correct me if I 'm wrong.

Are there super fine bubble forming in the chamber or is it big bubble and rising water?
I am not familiar with that product at all. Maybe you need to add an air stone. Mine has a needle wheel pump that adds super fine bubbles. I thought, I could be wrong, that you need to buy an air stone for some skimmers to work. If someone else could correct me if I 'm wrong.

Are there super fine bubble forming in the chamber or is it big bubble and rising water?

I get super fine bubble inside as it has two ways of puttin air into the product, but on the top it has big bubbles.

would you like me to make a video or some pics of its workin/not working?
i will upload pics here any min, i can only put videos on myspace or do you know any other way?


Is there a way that you can adjust the water level inside the air chamber? If so, get it so that the water level comes up into the cup a little bellow rim. Then just let it run. Bubbles will eventually build up and fall over the rim into the cup. Try to get it so that the bubbles are as fine as they can be.
Is there a way that you can adjust the water level inside the air chamber? If so, get it so that the water level comes up into the cup a little bellow rim. Then just let it run. Bubbles will eventually build up and fall over the rim into the cup. Try to get it so that the bubbles are as fine as they can be.

Umm, im not 100% sure where the air chamber is, sorry if im thick. i have made a video to show you what i mean, is there anyway i can upload it on here? i dont have a youtube thingy no more :unsure:
Is there a way that you can adjust the water level inside the air chamber? If so, get it so that the water level comes up into the cup a little bellow rim. Then just let it run. Bubbles will eventually build up and fall over the rim into the cup. Try to get it so that the bubbles are as fine as they can be.

Umm, im not 100% sure where the air chamber is, sorry if im thick. i have made a video to show you what i mean, is there anyway i can upload it on here? i dont have a youtube thingy no more :unsure:
Sorry, I mean the water column. This is the plastic cylinder that the water fills up into. I have to belive that you can adjust the level of the water inside the skimmer. It loks like from the picture that you have it way too low. Raise it up so that the water top water level is up in the cup a few inches from the top rim. That should work.

As far as adding a video to the site, I am not sure if you can. Never tried.
Is there a way that you can adjust the water level inside the air chamber? If so, get it so that the water level comes up into the cup a little bellow rim. Then just let it run. Bubbles will eventually build up and fall over the rim into the cup. Try to get it so that the bubbles are as fine as they can be.

Umm, im not 100% sure where the air chamber is, sorry if im thick. i have made a video to show you what i mean, is there anyway i can upload it on here? i dont have a youtube thingy no more :unsure:

Upload the video to youtube and then link it to here.
Well, im not really sure about how external skimmers work on controlling the water level inside, but there should be some sort of riser tube that you can lift so the water level rises.

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