Should I Just Complete The Set?


Marine Keeper..
Apr 20, 2009
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Ok - so as you all know I have the 550tl. But I have just been offered the 450tl with no stand for £50. So im thinking about buying it, making a cabinet where my tv is, and have them next to each other. I would like peoples opinions on this please?

But im thinking buddyboy, what could you keep in here? I mean its only 60ltrs.

My, oops ,kane's nano is only 54lt and with regular weekly water changes we get off with blue murder..stocking rules are only a guideline as a local marine mod, mentioning no names, C...cough, cough, once told me on another forum.
Stick to smaller sized fish or even think about sea horses and the sky's the limit.....
But im thinking buddyboy, what could you keep in here? I mean its only 60ltrs.


Off the top of my head

Re-home your Mantis shrimp :rofl:

Goby Pistol shrimp pair

Frogfish species tank

pair of Citron Goby`s

Ehm sure there are more options on that

Look at Jenny Bugs edge she has sexy shrimp and pom pom crabs in that and I think its smaller :)
Some sea horses need bigger tanks than others. Giant Brazilian Reidis definately need over 100 litres and need a tall aquarium.

Hippocampus Angustus 1 Pair per 30 Litres Minimum Tank 100 Litres
Hippocampus Barbouri 1 Pair per 30 Litres Minimum Tank 100 Litres
Hippocampus Comes 1 Pair per 30 Litres Minimum Tank 100 Litres
Hippocampus Erectus 1 Pair per 30 Litres Minimum Tank 100 Litres
Hippocampus Kuda 1 Pair per 30 Litres Minimum Tank 100 Litres
Hippocampus Reidi 1 Pair per 30 Litres Minimum Tank 100 Litres
Hippocampus Reidi
Giant Brazilian 1 Pair per 40 Litres Minimum Tank 120 Litres
Hippocampuse Zosterae 1 Pair per 6 Litres Minimum Tank 20 Litres

Basically the only ones you could keep are the dwarfs and they are an absolute nightmare to feed. Not a beginner sea horse at all.
I think I may avoid seahorses then. Im also guessing this tank is to small for a breeding pair of clowns or cardinals.

There's that rule book again,lol.....
he's over on rf now checking out a few set ups on know how we like our rules there,lol... :whistle: :devil: :devil:
hippocampus bargibanti gets to about 2cm and you sometimes get them free as hitch hikers on miricella, they well camouflaged as they have the same colouration as the gorgonian they live on, but theyre meant to be an nightmare to feed, but also you need to take into account the lighting requirements of the miricella species
Im going to avoid seahorses, I like to stick to the guidelines. And they need good water, and with a tank this size, a lot of changes would be required.

Actually 60 litres is not that bad, water quality would be a nightmare though, would need to be very very careful with feeding but you may just do it. I thought it was 45 litres :blush: the 450 I think did it.

As long as you had tonnes of macroalgae for nitrates, you may just get away with kuda.

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