If you have a suitable home for him and if you are prepared to do all the extra work that keeping larger puffers entails, then sure, get the dragon.
Ours eat live mealworms, live jumbo bloodworms, live waxworms, live ghost shrimp, live snails, frozen cockles, frozen mussels & cooked prawn.
Dragon Puffers get to around eight inches. 50 gallons is minimum tank size for an adult.
They are very inactive and are ambush hunters.
They are true freshwater fish requiring no salt.
They cannot be kept with other fish except large amoured catfish, and even then the catfish may get their fins trimmed.
They are sensitive to water quality and require a lot more filtration than other fish.
They must not be taken from the water as doing so could cause them to puff and inhale air which may kill them.
They require a heavily planted tank with sand substrate and caves/flowerpots as lairs
They are as cute as heck.