Should I Get My Upside Down Catfish One By One Or In A Group?

should I buy the catfish alone or in a group

  • alone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • group

    Votes: 5 100.0%

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Jun 7, 2011
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Right now... in front of my computer
Hey all. I am getting upside down catfish and I was going to get them all 3 at once but then the employee said I should get them one by one. I have always been told to get social fish together but she said that they would be stressed and seeing the others stressed would increase their stress. Should I get them one by one or in a group?
As a group, but of ten, not three.Synodontis nigriventris are like Corydoras, they are highly social and picking up either one by one will be extremely stressful.

If your signature stocking is correct, you have the room, just be a scrooge with food during the first week and monitor ammonia/nitrite levels daily. If the shop will let you reserve, come home with five and then pick up the other five in two week's time, providing your filter is keeping up with the new bioload.
Thank you. In my other post I asked if i should do the same with the hatchetfish. My filter I am very happy with because it keeps up with any bioload its given. I accidentally got the tetra EX70 and It requires 2 filters every time I change it and it is breaking me but I can't complain because I haven't seen a hint of ammonia or nitrites and the bottom is so clean between it, The BN pleco, the snail, and the cories. I only have to clean once a month.
You do know that they are nocturnal and that you will hardly, if ever see them.

I had a group of 5. They spent the first day exploring the tank. And after that hid under the bogwood. Didn't even come out at feeding time.

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