I want a clown pleco. I had one once but took it back the next day when i realized I had no wood for him to chew on. They are rather beautiful fish and I have always wanted on. now that i am going to be placing wood in one of my tanks I want one of these beautiful fish. I have some questions though.
I currently have:
30 or so pepper cories (bunches of babies)
13 black skirt tetras
9 amano shrimp
Soon to Add:
13 Emperor tetras
13 bleeding heart tetras
(if able too) some rummynose tetras
will they fight with the cories?
I currently have:
30 or so pepper cories (bunches of babies)
13 black skirt tetras
9 amano shrimp
Soon to Add:
13 Emperor tetras
13 bleeding heart tetras
(if able too) some rummynose tetras
will they fight with the cories?