Should I Get A Clown Pleco?


Fish Addict
Apr 27, 2006
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:hyper: I want a clown pleco. I had one once but took it back the next day when i realized I had no wood for him to chew on. They are rather beautiful fish and I have always wanted on. now that i am going to be placing wood in one of my tanks I want one of these beautiful fish. I have some questions though.

I currently have:
30 or so pepper cories (bunches of babies)
13 black skirt tetras
9 amano shrimp

Soon to Add:
13 Emperor tetras
13 bleeding heart tetras
(if able too) some rummynose tetras

will they fight with the cories?
I've had no problem with brochis spelndens in with them.

I've had no sighted problems with the portholes and him.

The sited problem? him beating up my 5 inch syno. euruptus, resulting in me taking him back to the store.

So, there may or may not be a problem depending on how badly it likes it's territory and how it takes to your cories.
55 gallon. I mean... a lot of cories.. the bottom is covered in them. Okay. i may try one.
Clowns are lovely - I have two. But don't expect to see much of them, mine hide pretty much all day and early evening!
Clowns are lovely - I have two. But don't expect to see much of them, mine hide pretty much all day and early evening!
that is fine. I just wanna hear if anyone has had problems with them fighting tetras or other bottom feeders. Also, do they prefer company or just one in a tank?
no horror stories or sucked on cories?
:hyper: I want a clown pleco. I had one once but took it back the next day when i realized I had no wood for him to chew on. They are rather beautiful fish and I have always wanted on. now that i am going to be placing wood in one of my tanks I want one of these beautiful fish. I have some questions though.

I currently have:
30 or so pepper cories (bunches of babies)
13 black skirt tetras
9 amano shrimp

Soon to Add:
13 Emperor tetras
13 bleeding heart tetras
(if able too) some rummynose tetras

will they fight with the cories?
Wow thats alot of cories! Thats like £150! :hyper: My clown pleco gets on fine with my 3 pandas and 2 scwhartzis! He keeps himself to himself with all his shrimpy buddies! He just lies around the bogwood,under,on top and even inside it! Theres like a cave in my main piece of bogwood that all my shrimp go in,and sometimes my dwarf loach and the pleco sometimes sits at the front of it!
I think mines still settling in abit cause he isnt eating the lettuce i put in but still a lovely fish :D :good:
i have one clown and it seems to be fine with all my pleco's accept my flash maybe their fighting over wood but my flas always looses out and he's bigger!
i personally do not like clown plecs, i think they are a bit boring, especially looking at other plecs, big and small, available! my girlfriend has a clown plec and chases her coridoras and her frogs. i would personally leave it in the shop and get a decent looking plec!!
i would personally leave it in the shop and get a decent looking plec!!

Awww come on you gonna tell me bozo the clown pleco that I got the pleasure of taking home tonight doest look cute as hell!!!

My clowns have never bothered any of their tankmates, which are all catfishes or plec types.

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