Should I Get A Bn Plec?


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
Hi, after having spoken to a few people in the new to the hobby section I have almost decided on what to put into my tank once it's ready.

My water in current tanks stands at 26 degrees, pH high at 8, water is hard in this area.

I will be cycling my 260l juwel vision once I have bought a new external (prob ex1200).

My current fish that will be moving across are:

5 x zebra danio's
3 x mollies
1 x RTBS

Proposed fish are:

1 x Pearl gourami
3 x dwarf gourami (2 female one male)
2 x angel fish
6 x Platies OR 3 x swordtails
1 x BN Plec

Now being in this section I would like to ask:

1) Are BN's ok on gravel?
2) Will they dig up my plants?
3) How big will they grow?
4) Would he be ok on his/her own?
5) Compatibility with other fish?
6) Special diet?
7) Pic's of yours to persuede me :good:

If any if the above are not suitable could you explain why and provide an alternative?

Many Thanks

A bristlenose will be fine in the tank, mollies however need brakish conditions, i wouldnt have them. Why not get some more Danios instead (the larger the school the happier theyll be).

How about this set up

2 Rams
1 Redtail Shark
3 Dwarf Gouramis
3 Angelfish
5 Platies/Swordtails

Edit: Oh and 1 Bristlenose
For the moment I have 1 adult molly and 4 fry in my current tank and dont want to get rid ideally, saying that pH is high around here...

Do you have a pic for the rams?

What would you say to getting 5 pearl danio's instead of another 5 zebra, could that work?


1. BN will be fine on gravel
2. maybe but they are pretty small so u mite not have a problem
3. they normally grow 4- 6 inches at most
4. yes he will be fine on his own as long as theres plenty for him 2 eat
5. u wont have a problem with other fish
6. algae wafers, sinking food ,live food (brine shrimp,bloodworm etc...) and i always add a small piece of bogwood just 2 aid digestion (apparently it works lol )
7. ......

hope this helps

dont know about mixing Pearl Danios with Zebras.


German Blue Ram [URL=""][/URL]

Golden Ram [URL=""][/URL]

Bolivian Ram [URL=""][/URL]

Edit: My Fav the Golden Rams

Q1. A Bristlenose will be fine on gravel
Q2. Dout It, mine left the plants alone
Q3. Max out at arround 6 inch normaly around 5
Q4. Will be fine on his/her own
Q5. Bristlenoses are peaceful fish keep themselfs to themselfs
Q6. A varity of Wafers, some veg (courgette, cumumber), sometime bloodworms
Q7. No pics Sorry!
dont know about mixing Pearl Danios with Zebras.


German Blue Ram <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Golden Ram <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Bolivian Ram <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Edit: My Fav the Golden Rams

Q1. A Bristlenose will be fine on gravel
Q2. Dout It, mine left the plants alone
Q3. Max out at arround 6 inch normaly around 5
Q4. Will be fine on his/her own
Q5. Bristlenoses are peaceful fish keep themselfs to themselfs
Q6. A varity of Wafers, some veg (courgette, cumumber), sometime bloodworms
Q7. No pics Sorry!

Thanks, the golden ram looks lovely - although the links to the others arn't working but will pop the names into google images.

Are rams easy to get hold of too?

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