Should I Get A Bala?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2008
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I have a 50 gallon tank. Currently I have 2 common plecos, 1 zebra loach, 2 black skirt tetra, 1 sunset platy, 1 fancy guppy, 4 rasboras. I've been wanting a bala for a while but I know they are semi agressive. I wasnt sure if i should get one because they might harass my other fish. but My other fish have been slowly dying and now i have more room. So do you think i should get one...or maybe two?
No. Balas and guppies don't mix. Balas are semi agressive, I have had a few. They are better in groups but get rather large. I would wait on getting the balas or get a big new tank. That's my two cents.

Here's some info. And personally, I think they'll get to big to keep in the 50 gallon. From 1 foot+!!!

The Bala shark prefers be kept in groups of five or more specimens (although they can survive alone). Hobbyists continue to debate over acceptable minimum tank sizes, but generally recommend at least a 6 feet tank. FishBase lists a minimum of 150 cm (5 ft). Many believe the fish is simply too large and too active to be kept in commercial aquaria at all; only enormous, custom-built tanks are acceptable, if any tank at all is. Indoor ponds are also considered feasible housing options and may be better suited to the average aquarist.
Bala shark is an omnivore and will eat other animals if they're small enough to fit in their mouths (including other smaller fish, and shrimp).

But ultimately in the end, it's up to you!! ;)
Balas are VERY peaceful fish. Not semi aggressive. However, I still do not recommend them because they can get up to 14 inches and NEED to be in groups. They are also very active but are spooked very easily. So they need long and wide tanks to be happy.
That bala is going to get way too big and they are very active swimmers. They will disrupt the tetras and other small fish. I would suggest getting hemiodus species. They like to be in groups and look similar to the bala shark.
That bala is going to get way too big and they are very active swimmers. They will disrupt the tetras and other small fish. I would suggest getting hemiodus species. They like to be in groups and look similar to the bala shark.

That's a good idea, hemiodus gracilus. red line torpedo barb. Very colorful and active, but stay smaller at around 6 inches. Also like to be in groups.
That's a good idea, hemiodus gracilus. red line torpedo barb. Very colorful and active, but stay smaller at around 6 inches. Also like to be in groups.

Ok i checked out those two fish. is the hemiodus gracilus the scientific name or common name? Im just trying to find different fish from what i had before. Also i know that barbs are fin nippers. Do they only nip fish like guppies or do they nip all kinds like tetra or platies?
hemiodus gracilus is the scientific name for the red line torpedo barb. I'm not sure, but I don't think they nip fish like other barbs would. If you have enough it shouldn't be a problem.
Hemodius are Characins not barbs :lol: The scientific name of the red line torpedo barb is Puntius denisonii. Hemodius gracilis is commonly known as the Slender Hemodius.

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