Should I Fast My Betta?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 30, 2011
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I was just worried that my betta is a little bit fatter than what he was before, not a WHOLE lot, I feed him 4 pellets a day most of the time ( aquaeon pellets ) and sometimes I might miscounted so I feed him 5 pellets. I fast him on Sundays, should I fast him to make him skinnier? He's still active. How long should I fast him?
Don't fast him more then 1 day. Better to just cut down, try 3 pellets a day. bettas looking fat ain't unusual.
A fish's stomach is about the same size as its eye, so bear this is mind when deciding how much to feed.
Feed him a bit of cooked deshelled chopped up peas and fast for a day after. If he still looks fat, fast another day (have no idea why someone said dont fast 2 days in a row. Fish can go for a comparatively long time without food. You definately want to get any bloating under control as soon as you notice. Then as mentioned above, once hes back to normal only feed 3 pellets a day, or even every other day. Some bettas are more prone to constipation than others and once they have it once, seems they are always battling it. Best to nip it in the bud.
About the fish's stomach is only as big as its eye: I saw a photo of someone's goldfish, he did an autopsy to find out the illness and its stomach was far larger than its eye; stomachs can also expand.

Betta splendens is also carnivorous. Carnivorous animals that I know of (sharks, cats, some reptiles) gorge themselves on food when they can and can go without for a much longer time than omni/herbis. I would fast the betta like Ioraxchick said because splendens seem prone to constipation which would pop up other illnesses. Slowly get his weight down. In addition, once a week, it is a good idea not to feed him at all as you're doing.
I would never recommend it but these fish can go weeks without food so 2 days is hardly going to make a difference to his life. I would do as loraxchick said as it is best to get the bloating under control to stop further issues. Keep his diet varied too and this will help keep him regular. If its any help my normal feeding shedule is: Pellets (3) - Live/frozen food (bloodworm but in small amounts) - Pellets (3) - Pellets (3) - Live/frozen food (daphnia) - Half de-shelled cooked pea - fast. Some times it varies but its a good stable patten. If he is still looking fat after the fast then do it another day and if it keeps happening perhaps try cutting back a little more on the amounts. Good luck and I hope your little fella is back to his old self in no time :)

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