Should I Euthanise Or Not?


Something smells humany
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Victoria Australia
It has been attacked by fungus he has no tail and Pimafix hasn't helped it... He is not well and has not eaten for a long time and sticks to a corner...should I euthanise it or try and get it through?

I was thinking the frozen water type...
hmm ive heard thats actually a bad method, but then agian ive used it. The fish really doesnt sound good! I would still give it a shot. keep doseing with Primafix until fungus is gone and turn filter current low. I would isolate him if you have already not done so.

I would also start dosing with stress coat, as it helps repair damaged fins along with the slime coat.
1: Cannot Isolate
2: Do not have stress coat
3: Cannot lower the filter flow and if I did the oxygen levels would be very low in the water.
4: The treatment of Pimafix has been going for 6 days but the gourami has not healed at all and Melafix was included at times aswell
I honestly wait for the fish to live the course of death. there's never any telling of what can happen next.

I think that if he's lived it for many days, then he's got something keeping him up...
well the thing is it isn't swimming it has no tail and fungus on it's head and hasn't eaten in over 4 days....the fish in the tank with it have improved Hugely in 2 days and are back to normal but this gourami is not improving at all....
anyone else have an opinion I need to do a water change today however I will euthanise the gourami if needs be prior to the water change.....I don't really want to do it however he doesn't appear to be well at all and seems the better alternative however I would like some experienced advice please
I wouldn't euthanise.

Then again, that's just me. I take one look into their little eyes, and I just can't do it.

I euthanised a a tetra with severe ammonia burns; it had absolutely no strength left, and could only "vibrate" through the water. However, now I regret it; I put a Festive cichlid into a small tank that had no ammonia, and he recovered.

And in this area lies my greatest weakness; I was about to euthanise a Pangasias with ammonia burns, but I took one look into his beady little eyes, and I lost it. I placed it into another tank, and he recovered. I owe it to that fish to take good care of him now and get him a good home. And I will.

Yes Lynden Im weak like that has severe fungus on it currently so I cannot move tanks...I want it to recover however it is going to have to try and get well in a tank of hungry fish....If you could euthanise it would you?
If you don't think it's going to get better then euthanise it.

Sounds like its small.. take it out and cut its head off. between the gills and its eyes.

If there is a chance you think it might get better then keep treating. If it's not eating though, it's probably in serious trouble.
The frozen water thing doesn't kill the fish immediately, and is probably pretty painful for the fish.

When I cut the head off a fish for the first time it was hard, but I hate to say it but it does get easier.. I didn't want to do it the first time, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

What about putting it in a bag and squishing its head.. I guess that's probably not for the faint of heart either.

One of my larger fish was dying and I couldn't have cut its head off or smashed it to death, so I put it in a bucket in the dark and let it die. Probably not the best way, but it's hard to put down a thick 5'' catfish.
from what I have read placing the fish into a bowl of frozen water kills them instantly as there body goes into shock and there organs go immediatly......

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