Should I do a water change?


New Member
Mar 16, 2004
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Wheeling, WV
I just checked my water parameters again. For the last 3 days, my ammonia level has been less than .25 and nitrites were negative. I added 3 fish yesterday...a bala shark (I know they get big, but have plans for a larger tank in rec room as soon as we finish remodeling) and 2 glass fish. This morning, my ammonia level is at .75 and nitrites are .3. Should I do a 25% water change. I know I read somewhere on here that you shouldn't let ammonia go above 1, but that you wanted to keep from doing really frequent water changes so that the tank would cycle. My fish all seem perfectly happy and there are no signs of stress. All advice appreciated. Thanks
When cycling with fish it is very important to change water frequently; every day if necessary. Otherwise your fish might get ammonia or nitrite poisoning. The advice about not changing water only applies to fishless cycling, as far as I know.
Hello Sheila,

Just want to clarify...are you cycling your tank? Ideally, if your tank has been fully cycled, Ammonia shouldn't be detected. I'm not sure if you are currently overloading your tank but if you have only recently set it up, then the likelyhood is that there are currently too many fish in there at this time.

When you detect any ammonia, usualt it is a warning sign that something is not quite right (maybe filter was "over"cleaned or water was not dechlorinated).

IMO you should carry out that water change.
:p Thanks for the advice. I did a 25% water change and the fish all seem quite content. I have had the tank up and running about 6 weeks, but had a catastrophe in the beginng when a lfs sold me 32 fish when I told them I knew nothing about keeping a tank :unsure: . Anyway, all but 5 of those fish died :( (I still have the 3 gold barbs and the 2 Opaline Gouramis). My ammonia and nitrites were very high the first couple weeks, but with frequent water changes, I finally got that under control. 2 weeks ago, both my ammonia and nitrites were negative and I was told I could gradually add 3 or 4 fish a week as long as water levels stayed good. Last weekend, I added the 2 Butterfly fish and the 2 Rainbow fish. Initially, the first 2 days after adding the fish, my ammonia level went as high as 1.5. I did daily 25% water changes and the fish stayed healthy and look great. Yesterday, before purchasing anymore fish, my ammonia level was 0 and my nitrites were 0. I can't see where my tank is overloaded. Going by the 1" per gallon rule, I have roughly 21 inches of fishies in my tank. I know the Bala will get rather large, right now he's only about 2", and I do plan on moving him to a larger tank in a few months when we finish remodeling. Anyway, I'm trying to do the right thing and don't have a problem doing frequent water changes. I guess my tank isn't fully cycled? Or is it just going through a mini cycle with each addition of a few fish? :/ :fish: Thanks

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