Should I Clean The Filter Every Water Change ?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2010
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I do a 10% water change every week without fail and have been cleaning the filter in the mucky water every week as well but I've read in quite a few places that the filter is better cleaned about once a month. Which is best ?. I have an internal sponge filter.
Yes, I think once a week is probably a bit too often - it's possible that too much cleaning of the filter will reduce your healthy bacteria load. I do mine about once a month or when I notice the filter water flow begin to reduce in strength.

Regards -Athena
I personally clean my sponge-based filters every week in old fish water, otherwise they tend to become clogged, thus becoming less efficient. Some of my other filter (for example, externals) I clean more rarely, or clean only the pre-filter on a regular basis because they are more able to cope with clogging.

It very much depends on how messy your fish are and if you keep plants.
Rightly or wrongly I give it a good rinse through with tank water each week. It flushes through the broken down plant matter in my tank. About once every 6 weeks I change the fine sponge. (I have a 3 stage filter)

The odd squeeze of a sponge to get shot of excess bits shouldn't hurt each week as them lil suckers are after the ammonia, not the detritus.

Depends for me, a small time filter with a decent stocking load needs maintaining once a week, whereas two U4's onlyy need maintaining once every 4 weeks for me :good:

I do a 10% water change every week without fail and have been cleaning the filter in the mucky water every week as well but I've read in quite a few places that the filter is better cleaned about once a month. Which is best ?. I have an internal sponge filter.
As I understand it the main reason for doing pwc is to reduce the nitrates produced by the filter and to get the best benefit you need to change the percentage of water in line with the water chemistry so one week you may need to change 20% and the next 25% to keep within safe limits

I dont plan to mess with my filter unless it`s getting clogged enough to hinder its` performance because I dont want to cause a mini cycle, others may offer a different view
yeah i think it depends on your filter. I ahve got a built in Juwel with 6 different sponges. I clean out the finest one every couple of weeks, but have never cleaned the bottom 3 (the bigger ones).
Also, do you use filter floss? if so, this is sometimes worth cleaning every week or so, depending on the bio-load of your fish
Yes, you're all correct - it does depend on the stock level, type & size of filter, type of fish, number of live plants etc... sorry, should have said all that before.

I only need to do my filters once every 4-5 weeks - I guess my fish are not super-poopers LOL :lol:

You can normally tell when detritis and debris have built up on the sponges because the output flow will suddenly lessen in strength. I even have one filter that has an indicator on the side to tell you when it needs doing (i.e. when it turns from green to red) but I tend to use my own judgment anyway.

If your tank is fully/over stocked or if you have fish that poop a lot, or lots of plants, you can do it weekly but only very gently (not rinsing and squeezing like I used to in the old days LOL)

i look at it this way
small medium internal filters every two weeks
large internal filters when the flow slows enough
that is noticeable
medium external filters when flow reduces or every
six months
large externals once a year or when flow reduces
as for sumps well that's just on going all the time
lol :lol:

ps all done in old tank water
i look at it this way
small medium internal filters every two weeks
large internal filters when the flow slows enough
that is noticeable
medium external filters when flow reduces or every
six months
large externals once a year or when flow reduces
as for sumps well that's just on going all the time
lol :lol:

ps all done in old tank water

spot on that man :good: :good: :good: :good:and, if possible, only do half the media each time on all internal filters. a well set up cannister will not loose much flow after the first two weeks. my Eheim gets cleaned when i remember. and i only swish the bio basket in the filter water then. the mechanical media gets a good wash in very hot water, as does the casing.
Thanks all
Taking the average of whats been said I think I`ll just give the sponge a swish in the water every week when I do a change rather than constantly squeezing like I have been.
I`m just pricing up having a 6`6" tank fitted in my kitchen wall, will look amazing when its done. :hyper:
Thanks again. :good:

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