Should i breed him?


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
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cardiff uk
hi guys i have a male russian dwarf hamster which i had as a pressie from my bf (now an ex) in May 04 i'm not sure when we got him how old he was as at the petstore they didn't know they reckon he was 6months (personally i think he is older than this) Anyway i have noticed over the last month he has faded from Black and white to a grey and white, he seems healthy and active as ever (especially when he bite me the other day, little bugger).

I would like to breed him with my female russian hamster (she was born early this year 2004 and has had 1 litter) as my breeding project for college but i'm abit worried that he maybe to old to do the business!!!! (he has already fathered 1 litter this year) Is there a limit in relation to age as when to breed them or not?????

:p love the little pinkies
If I remember correctly, from anatomy and physiology class, males continue producing sperm 'till they die. (Not sure if this applies to hamsters, though.) The sperm slowly decreases in number, so that might be the only issue. Let him try it and see what happens. Go hammy go! :p
They're never too old to "do the business!" I would know--I had one gerbil who fathered a litter when he was nearly five years old.
Some Russian Hamsters are known as Winter Whites because they turn white in winter but retain their grey points. Most pet shops sell their hamsters at about 8 weeks because suppliers want to get rid of them.

He should be ok to breed if you can line up suitable homes BEFORE you put the two hammys together and if you are CONFIDENT you can sex them properly.
Judging by all the comments about sexy seniors in humans, I say let the little guy have a try. If he's not interested, that'll be obvious. If he is, hey you'll have a hamster with a smile on his face all winter. :lol:

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