Should I Breed Danios?


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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I'm in the process of getting a 35 or 55 gallon tank, but in the mean time I thought maybe I should breed my danios with a spare 10g I have. I could make a sponge filter since I have an extra air pump, I've got an extra heater, so all I would need really is some marbles and fry food.

I figure I could breed them and then trade them into the LFS for some supplies or other fish, but I don't know if its worth the effort.
I would first find out if any of your lfs's will take them from you, no point breeding them if your gonna be stuck with lots of fry.

if you do decide to berred them you may wish to checkout my website and go to the sexing breeding page for some pointers.

Good luck :thumbs:
Ok, I called one of my LFS, they said to bring them in and they would take a look at them, but they probably would fetch about a nickle a piece because they buy them in bulk usually and thats about what they get them for.

Does that sound like what other people get for them? I can't imagine that would be worth it, I'd have to riase 300 just to get $15 bucks. Unless that is a fairly easy accomplishment...

On the other hand, maybe I could breed those guys in my avatar, although I have no idea on the sex.
Ok, I called one of my LFS, they said to bring them in and they would take a look at them, but they probably would fetch about a nickle a piece because they buy them in bulk usually and thats about what they get them for.

Does that sound like what other people get for them? I can't imagine that would be worth it, I'd have to riase 300 just to get $15 bucks. Unless that is a fairly easy accomplishment...

On the other hand, maybe I could breed those guys in my avatar, although I have no idea on the sex.

Corys are easy to breed. After they're fully mature and grown, the females will be noticeably larger than the males. TO breed them, feed them a lot of frozen brine, live bloodworms and food like that for a week, then do a water change with slightly cooler water. They should go into T-position, and the female will lay eggs, male will fertilize, and take them out so they dont eat the eggs. For more details, check out the catfish forums, and ask Inchworm for more questions. She's an expert about breeding corys.
I will try to get a better look at mine, but I think they are the same, either both male or both female.

If I was to breed danios, could I actually MAKE money, or will rasing fry cost me more than I could get for them? It would be nice to get some extra cash towards aquarium stuff.
Well, if you could try to find another LFS that will give you more money, then it would be worth it. I would shoot for at least a quarter a piece.
Sorry, I did forget to post that. I did call another LFS who said $.25/each if they are big enough, so its possible I just don't know if I should try it.
Well, one way to see this is that breeding Danios will give you some experience you can apply toward a more exotic fish...

How about breeding Zebra Plecs next? :p
You're question was whether it's worth the effort - it most certainly is. Even if you weren't going to be payed a penny, the experience is priceless.

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