Should I Be Dosing Ferts With This Setup?


Fish Addict
Feb 16, 2011
Reaction score
Hi there

My current Setup is the following:

Tank Size : 4' x 1.8' x 2.5'

Tank Volume : 330 litre

Lighting : 3 x 39w T5 (Soon to be changed to a combo of 6500k and 14000k)

Filtration : Tetratec EX1200

Flow : Current 3.5x (Soon to be increased to 21x via addition of 6000lph powerhead)

Substrate : Sand
yes, if you dont have a substrate with nutrients then the plants will need some way of getting them. I would also get some root tabs as well
depends on what you're going to grow, and whether you going to add co2 or carbon.
In theory if you choose the right plants, you may well not need co2.
All plants will like a little extra though, so a weekly macro dose might be enough.
Was there enough maybe's & mights, for you?
depends on what you're going to grow, and whether you going to add co2 or carbon.
In theory if you choose the right plants, you may well not need co2.
All plants will like a little extra though, so a weekly macro dose might be enough.
Was there enough maybe's & mights, for you?

Haha Yeah quite a few in there :lol:

Current Plant List is as follows:

Amazon Swords
Crypt wendtii Green
sagittarius subulata
Ludwigia Repens
Java Moss
Java Fern
Aponogeton ulvaceus

The crypts grow really well, same with most of he plants really. just slow
Your lighting is fine for just some Ferts really mate it's kinda borderline low light to medium.

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