Should I Be Concerned About My Leather


Feb 23, 2006
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Harlow, Essex
I was looking at my coral tonight and noticed a white patch as if its got a wound should I be worried. Here is the pics it looks as if the feeler bits have been plucked out and its turned white???


Well, its not a cause for bigtime worry, keep an eye on it. What fish do you have in the tank with it, if any?
Its in the tank with 2 percular clowns and a watchman goby there seems to be more white patches this morning?
keep a close eye on the fish, see if someone's nibbling on it.
keep a close eye on the fish, see if someone's nibbling on it.

Agreed, are there any nearby corals as well?

I can think of 4 possibilities:

Some fish/invert is nibbling on it
A neighboring coral is stinging it
It's getting ready to shed its skin
It's slowly withering away and dying
Ok here is an update there a a couple more white spots they are only on the edges though but if you look rel close at the origional it looks like it peeling slightly????? There is no corals near by to sting it. In the tank there is 2x tankbred clowns 1x watchman goby 1xcleaner shrimp 1x peppermint shrimp 10 or so astreas 2x nasarius snail 3x cerith snail 7-8x red leg hermits 1x sand sifting star and 1x sally lightfoot crab could any of these be the culprit or do you think its sheeding its skin and is that good or bad??? please dont tell me its dying?
Sounds to me the clowns might just bein annoying it, when toadstools are stressed, they release a mucas and where the polyps dont come out its just annoyed just keep an eye on it,
Not to sure if its the clowns here is a few more pics as you can see its getting bad anyone got any ideas????


hi i have a zoanthid but dont know what kind it is. it is purple and lately it has been closed up, would this be that it is annoyed or is it dying. sorry for killing your
Dunno mark, from those pics it doesnt seem to be progressing fast if at all?
Sorry what do you mean doesnt seem to be progressing fast if at all????? Does anyone have any ideas on what they think could be wrong or what I could do?

Do you recon my sally lightfoot is doing this????
I mean mean in the first pic there you have 5 marked spots, and in the second pic the 5 spots dont seem all that much bigger :unsure:. Really rapid coral diseases can over-take the colony in hours. Therefore I'd lean towards stress from something nipping at it or stinging it. Maybe its your sally lightfoot... Could be a hitch hiker that only comes out at night.
No the first pics I posted when I started the topic the second 2 pics are on the same day its gone from 1 white spot to 5

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