Should I arrange my tank??


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2003
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I have a 6-gallon tank with a neon blue dwarf gourami, a red wag platy, a male betta and a black skirt tetra (new as of yesterday). My black skirt tetra and platy are hiding all the time. My platy used to never hide. I don't think the platy is scared of the black skirt tetra because they hide in the same plant. Do you think I should re-arrange the tank and see if they like come out or something?? I think I should take some plants out because it looks like a lot of plants. I also dont like the set-up now. I did it so that the betta won't be "boss" over the new fish (the tetra). Would it be too stressful to move the decor around?? I really want to find a permanet placement for the plant and rocks because I have all the fish I will have for awile in there. Please help!!

Ashley :rolleyes:
The tetra will probably always hide. These fish are a schooling fish and only feel safe in numbers. They also are much healthier with more of their species around them. I don't know why your platy is hiding, might just be getting to know the new housemate. You can rearrage your tank as you like. I find it doesn't really matter unless you have more territorial fish like cichlids that claim certain caves.
So, can black skirt tetra's live without other ones around??

Shoot, I feel bad because I shouldn't of did this to him.
My BST adopted a himself into my school of Silver dollars. He thinks he is all big and strong now.. :lol:

Your platy may be getting picked on by your betta. It is only a matter of time before your Betta is the cause of a trjedy, to himself, or others. Sorry. :(
The tetra will live fine, just not be as happy i don't think. Most decent fish stores will take them back. At the very least they will give you wholesale price for it instead of what you paid. But if they remember you then you can probably just exchange it for something.
Yeah, I just got him yesterday and I got a 15 day gaurentee. I looked at the gaurentee card but it doesn't say anything about returning a fish that's still living. I would think they would though, wouldn't they want to find good homes for all there fish??


i will either get another black skirt tetra :D or get rid of the one i have now :-(
My BST is coming out more and swimming around a lot today. He was probably just stressed. I think he will do fine in my tank by himself/ But if he is still alive wehen I loss another fish ( :-( ) I'll get another BST. I don't want to over-crowd my fish, plus my dad said I have enough fish right now.

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