Fish Addict
I have a 6-gallon tank with a neon blue dwarf gourami, a red wag platy, a male betta and a black skirt tetra (new as of yesterday). My black skirt tetra and platy are hiding all the time. My platy used to never hide. I don't think the platy is scared of the black skirt tetra because they hide in the same plant. Do you think I should re-arrange the tank and see if they like come out or something?? I think I should take some plants out because it looks like a lot of plants. I also dont like the set-up now. I did it so that the betta won't be "boss" over the new fish (the tetra). Would it be too stressful to move the decor around?? I really want to find a permanet placement for the plant and rocks because I have all the fish I will have for awile in there. Please help!!