Should I Add This Fish?


Mostly New Member
Dec 12, 2013
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I have a 20 gallon planted aquarium. I have 4 neon tetras, 2 bloodfin tetras, 1 angelfish, 1 fiddler crab, and 1 gold mystery snail. All of my fish get along great, no fin nippers and fights, very friendly community. Sometimes my angel likes to be on his own, no other fish mess with him. Im thinking of adding a couple more fish (i lost a couple due to a product with no warning labels, I assumed safe from Tetra) and my angel is a little lonely. I was thinking of a couple more snails (for algae), maybe a few guppies, and I was thinking of a betta, probably female. I have had bettas (male) before on their own, and I hear that they can be good community fish (especially females) as long as there arent multiple males (I dont plan on getting any males). Would it be safe to add a female betta? Are males also safe community fish (with no other males or similar fish)?
Your neon tetras & bloodfin tetras need to be kept in groups of 6+. Just something you may want to fix before adding different fish.
The angelfish needs a bigger tank, I'd think, to get the height that it requires. I believe it's recommended to have at least a 21" tall tank?
What was the product you used?
Do you have lots of algae? It's good to try to figure out why this is and fix it. Nerite snails are great for cleaning up algae though, and while they will lay eggs in freshwater they usually won't hatch.
They also come in a variety of colors. :)
I wouldn't put a betta in with an angelfish. One of them would likely get nipped at (usually the betta, as other fish find it hard to resist their long flowing fins).
I also wouldn't mix betta and guppies, as they both have long flowing fins and so the betta can mistake them for other bettas and, well, again nipping can occur. That doesn't mean it always happens, but it's best to be on the safe side.
Female bettas can be just as aggressive, if not more so than the males, so it's iffy when doing them too.
I hope your crab continues to leave the fish alone, but generally it's thought that claws + fins = nope.
Just because your tank is friendly now does not mean it always will be, especially once the angel gets bigger.
I think after bringing up your tetras to the appropriate number you'd be stocked. I am not the best with stocking numbers though, so hopefully someone else can advise better on that.
Sorry for the big wall of text! Just was thinking a lot. I hope I didn't come off as harsh, and I am not saying you have a terrible tank, just there are some things you might want to look at and think about.
Ditto to what Ninj said!
If you rehome the angel fish (needs at least 30 gallons and a 50cm high tank) and up the school number of the tetras then you would have room for a centrepeice fish (a honey gourami would be good, or three male guppies) and then you would be fully stocked.
I'm bothered by the crab's well-being. Does it have something to climb and bask on?
I felt like I was missing something in my post! I'm also concerned about that, but would imagine it would've died by now if not? I don't know much about crabs unfortunately :c

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