Should I add an Otto ?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I have a 10 gallon planted with one male betta in it. When the time was right, I was planning to add some harlequin rasboras and a few cories. However I am getting some simple fuzz algae on the plants (normal) and am wondering whether I should get an otto instead or as well. It is suggested that you should get one otto per 10 gallons, but, hey, I've only got 10 gallons. I've been reading sigs and some people have just one.
1 betta
2-3 pygmy cories
1 otto
3-4 harlequins?
I think this puts me over the 1 inch rule, but perhaps if I stretch it out over months, to get the tank really mature, especially with all the plants.
I'm just thinking an otto is a 'needed' fishie, not just a 'wanted' fishie, and should be added sooner rather than later.
I've been looking into putting a betta & some ottos together too. Apparently they get along alright, but should be kept in groups. I haven't heard the 1 otto/10 gallons thing, but I was advised that I could keep 1 betta with 3-4 ottos (they prefer to be kept in groups). I think cories are also ok with bettas, but not positive on that. I'm not familiar with harlequins, but if they're only little & not too pretty or agressive they should be ok with the betta. I wouldn't push the 1"/gal rule too much, but u could probably get away with a little bit over provided u have good filtration and have a very strict water change schedule.

I'm a newbie too, but this is just stuff I've picked up around here. Hopefully somebody will be along soon who can give u a bit more info. :)
My ottos are REALLY small.

I believe I read that Its the size of the fish and how much waste that they produce is what determines how many fish per gallon.

I'm not expert but I think one or two little ottos would be fine. I say 2 because I know they don't like to be alone.

If you have a good cleaning schedule you may be fine.

Some people can handle a little crowding becasue they are very good with their tank.
filtration plays a big part as well.

If you have a good filter (biowheel is really good) and you know you will keep up the water changing and gravel cleaning I think you should be fine.

You will get people who say yes and those who say no. But Ive learned from this forum that it varies from person to person.

I have One betta a cory and 2 ottos in a 7 gal tank. They are healthy and getting along well

Good luck! :D
If you aren't tied to the rasboras (a fish I love and own), think about perhaps 2 Cherry Barbs and 3 small otos ? Cherry barbs are the completely out of character barb. They are peaceful and don't nip. Also, they can be kept in pairs, though they do prefer larger groups.

A betta, 2 cherry barbs, 3 pygmy corys, and 3 small otos should be able to peacefully coexist in a well-kept, well-filtered, well-planted 10g long. I suggest this mostly because I think the harlequins would feel less comfortable in a group of 3-4 than the barbs would in a pair. Plus, it's two more fish.

Good luck with whatever you decide! :thumbs:

The betta people out there should be spreading the word about the 10g betta community tank. The betta gets a larger, peaceful, interactive home, the fishkeeper gets a nice community in a small space... and a betta.

I'm fairly certain I just ran over your question there. Sorry. I get like this sometimes... :whistle:
yeah, the cherry barbs are a goog idea, they are very peaceful fish. ;)

If you go with two cherry barbs try very hard to get two girls. (they are lighter in color)
A male /female --the male will bullie the girl
A male /male ---my fight

Check in the Barb forum in previous post there is info on cherry barb combos.

Even though they are peaceful with other fish I have seen them not so peaceful w/each other.
The best combo is female/female or 2 female/1 male.

Good luck!!
You know what? I really like your idea ModernHamlet!
"A betta, 2 cherry barbs, 3 pygmy corys, and 3 small otos " is a great combination. I like cherry barbs but discounted them only because I thought the colour would be too much along with Flame. However if I do like
cherrybarbbaby (thanks CBB!) suggests and get two females, then they will help balance red Flame. Oooo, now I am excited! And I get more fish!
I think I am a good fish keeper, I really keep on top of water changes, and test my water frequently. So I think this will work fine.
And I will just have to get another tank to have those harlequins I love!
Thank you QueenGumby too for your comments.
3-4 ottos is good, this way they have some of their own kind to hang out with. Your tank will almost never have algae with those guys. Mine (4) cleaned out a 20 u.s. gallon in 3 weeks. Thats alot for a 1.5 in. fish

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