Shortening Ehiem Spray Tube


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2005
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Title pretty much says it all I got a new eheim filter not that long ago and the tank is only a foot wide. The spray bar doesn't quite fit without cutting off the water. I would rather not have the spray bar along the back of the tank and figured it shouldn't be too hard to cut an inch off then use the plug to seal the end again. Anyone done this before. How tough is the plastic :lol:
I cut mine with a breadknife
(note the knife no longer cuts bread)

any hacksaw will do it or a fretsaw etc. :good:
I had mine vertically, but have it across the water surface again, its not visible now the plants have grown in.
Thanks everyone I sorted it yesterday. It would have went withough a hitch if my dads hack saw had had a blade :no: but I found something else and am very pleased with the fact you can no longer see it in the aquarium :good:

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