Short story...


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2003
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Ok, I'm sitting here bored at work, so I thought I'd post something just for the hell of it.

Recently purchased a Tropiquarium 88 with the intention of moving our existing 4 fish to a new home. The old tank that we had was in a pretty sorry state (through my own fault I admit), and recently a couple of the fish died - strangely enough it was the fittest looking fish that died.

Anyway...only cycled it for about 4 days, and then got very impatient to move the fish over, so I moved my ickle tetra over (don't ask me what sort! small and orange is all I can tell you), next day he was the liveliest I've ever seen him, so figured he was doing ok, so moved over one of the other fish - again I don't know what he is, barb, tetra, all look the same to me ;-)

This poor old fella is half-blind, something that developed about a year ago, but really doesn't seem to bother him at all, but he's now loving his new home.

The following day saw the transfer of my Doris (see other post on what species she is - some long name that I can't remember!) and "Sucker" - some kind of loach I believe, he just loves sucking onto the glass.

ANyway what was the point of this post? None, but to let you know all four are doing fine, I know I moved them before the tank had properly cycled, but the old tank was in such a state that I figured it couldn't be any worse than where they were. And yes I did check the levels, and nothing was too extreme.

But it's nice to see them all looking happy and bombing around their new home, happy as larry.

Moral of the my story...make sure you put your tank in a place where you will HAVE to look after it - our old tank was in the computer room and rarely visited - now it's in the lounge so I'll have to keep it in a decent state.
I don't want to burst your bubble and I really hope that everything will stay ok, but I seriously doubt it. Ammonia will only show after about a week (am I right in assuming that 88 means it's 88 litre?) in a tank that size and then nitrite later still. Please keep testing the water daily just to make sure.
I'm checking the levels daily - got into quite a routine of it. Everything is good so far, so fingers crossed. Starting to think about what to add in there, not planning on adding them yet so don't panic folks, just thinking about what to put in next.


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