Shoaling fish


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Essex - Westcliff
I have 6 corys that are supposed to be shoaling fish - I don't think I've ever seen all of them together :grr: They all go off in different directions doing their own thing :thumbs: Same with my neons, zebra danios and platties :rolleyes: Go figure :-(
hi gadazobe, my corrys and zebra danios go of on there own, seem to like there own company lol :lol:
ya, most of the time cories dont really school like other fish... they just like to kno theyre not alone, kinda like goldfish.
HI Gadazobe,

If youre looking for a group of shoaling fish, why not consider some Rummy Nose Tetra and get about 10/15 and they will spend all the time follwing each other.

Make sure when you buy them that the faces are bright red , this shows good healthy fish.

Hope this helps a bit.

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