Shoal Together?


New Member
Sep 2, 2010
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Thinking of buying 4 black widow tetras and 4 serpae tetras just asking through peoples experience do they get on and shoal together ok?? shall be in my tank with 4 yo yo loaches 4 clown loaches selection of barbs and red tailed shark, thanks
Thinking of buying 4 black widow tetras and 4 serpae tetras just asking through peoples experience do they get on and shoal together ok?? shall be in my tank with 4 yo yo loaches 4 clown loaches selection of barbs and red tailed shark, thanks

Hi, I would Say the 4 B widow would Shole together but not with the other tetras. Also How bigs your rt shark? If they will fit into his mouth they will be gone, may also have a problem with the barbs fin nipping should be about 8 barbs to distracted them from fin nipping.

Hope this helps.
no, i did the same thinking they would shoal, they dont. They will with the same species but mine stayed in 2 groups of 3 in the tank!! how bigs the tank? because clown loaches grow HUGE!!! 40+cm!!!! also red tailed sharks can be very agressive to anything of a similar size of them.
Thinking of buying 4 black widow tetras and 4 serpae tetras just asking through peoples experience do they get on and shoal together ok?? shall be in my tank with 4 yo yo loaches 4 clown loaches selection of barbs and red tailed shark, thanks

I have Serpae and black widows and have had them in with silver and RTB sharks, loaches and tiger bards without any issues

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