Thinking of buying 4 black widow tetras and 4 serpae tetras just asking through peoples experience do they get on and shoal together ok?? shall be in my tank with 4 yo yo loaches 4 clown loaches selection of barbs and red tailed shark, thanks
Thinking of buying 4 black widow tetras and 4 serpae tetras just asking through peoples experience do they get on and shoal together ok?? shall be in my tank with 4 yo yo loaches 4 clown loaches selection of barbs and red tailed shark, thanks
Thinking of buying 4 black widow tetras and 4 serpae tetras just asking through peoples experience do they get on and shoal together ok?? shall be in my tank with 4 yo yo loaches 4 clown loaches selection of barbs and red tailed shark, thanks