Shivering Guppy?


New Member
Feb 21, 2007
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My pregnant guppy is doing something rather odd, she's been pregant for a while now and she seems to be hovering on the spot near the bottom of the tank. Shes "shivering" about on the spot, mouth moving the whole time. If any fish come near her she chases them away and goes back to the spot. Its behind the main ornament nearly on the gravel. Could the babies be on the way?? If so how long until and should i move her to her nursing tank? Thanku :)
Odd update : I woke up this morning to find no fry in the nursery tank with her but there was something else...

An odd 1cm long light green insect, to be honest it looks like a tint praying mantis (odd i know) with tiny white eyes places apart on its head and little legs, perhaps three pairs down its body which is long and slender.

Not exactly the fry i was looking for, any ideas what this might be :S
Very strange, how is the guppy?

Is her fins clamped along her body?

The insect may of got in from feeding live foods, and it could be anything but a lot will catch and eat small fish so if u can get a pic that would be good.
Very strange, how is the guppy?

Is her fins clamped along her body?

The insect may of got in from feeding live foods, and it could be anything but a lot will catch and eat small fish so if u can get a pic that would be good.

Shes not "shivering" on the spot anymore, just swimming about in the floating tank,they dont seem to be no but they were before.

I only feed them flake food becasue im unsure of what kinds of live food to feed them so im really not sure where its come from :S Bit scary though!
I manged to get some pictures of the odd insect in the tank with my pregnant guppy, i thought it had disapeared but it was just hard to spot, it seems slightly bigger now :S

Anyone have any idea what it is or what i should do with it??




and a quick sketch i drew of it...


eek! :S
stone fly larve i think if im right u need to get it out cos it may get biger and eat ur fish

im sure now dose it look like thise


  • image050.jpg
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i dont know what that is but i wouldnt put back in the tank until someone can id it.
i wouldnt say a worlds 1st lol ive had them befor in a krib tank im sure they came in with some plants i baught. tho i did get rid of them asap as i had krib fry and didnt like the looks of them, wouldnt want to risk the fry.

my advice basicly is get rid of it
Thanku all! I'll get rid of it right away before the fry arrive! Yeah thats exactly what it looks like, thanku! Its a bit creepy! I think it got in on my plants too, along with a few snails :rolleyes:

Right i'll go and get rid of the little critter!
Thats it away :good:

Do u think i should put my guppy back in the pregancy tank? I want to save some fry but when i put her in the tank she just gets jumpy and annoyed, i dont blame her to be honest. Should i chance her in the tank?

I have one male siamese fighter fish, a red tailed shark (baby), two mollys, three male guppies, a glass catfish and five neons, any chance of survival for the fry with all them?

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