Shipping Live Fish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Round Lake Beach, Illinois
Hello I'm planning to ship 3 Pearl Gouramis within the continental USA, but I have no idea how to prepare,

package, or ship them -_- I need as much information as possible on successfully shipping fish. Thanks in advance.

BTW I'm not a begginner I just didn't know where else to post this. :p
they have to be shipped express I think it is, in a pressure proof chamber, other wise they will explode. It's very risky if you dont have experience with it. go to ask her about shipping
Riiiiight :blink: They charge me $20 on this web site to ask for advice. :/ I rather get some FREE advice from the wonderful and intelligent people on these forums...
Check out this page -- she's describing her shipping proceedure, but you can get a pretty good idea from reading it how it's done. (Incidentally, I've orderered 6 bettas on 2 seperate occasions from her, and all have arrived safely!)
it depends on the carrier. But ive had fish shipped to me in "Carful Live Animals" card boxes with the top clearly marked! Then inside is a snugly fitting 2/3inch expanded polystyrene box for insulation. The fish are then in rounded corner poly bags (or freezer bags with the corners tied off), which are about 1/3 full water to air. Bag your fish up to 3 per bag or even individuals depending on size. Then add extra bags and newspaper to ensure all bags stay still during transit and dont fall over or slop around.

Might also be worth finding a carrier who has done it before not just any old one.
good luck.phil
FishSticks said:
Riiiiight :blink: They charge me $20 on this web site to ask for advice. :/ I rather get some FREE advice from the wonderful and intelligent people on these forums...
Sorry... Had NO idea she'd charge... Thats rediculous!

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