Shipping Arowana From Vietnam


New Member
Mar 30, 2006
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I have a couple of questions concerning the manner on which to ship arowanas from vietnam. What do you need to do to ship one? what are the supplies, how to package, what type of shipping. any regulations? :/

i am asking this because i get get my relatives to buy some arowanas from the hatcheries/breeders in vietnam and ship them to me. but i dont know how to carry it out.

also what type of arrowanas are worth shipping over? i know i should get some red ones but what else should be brought up? do you think i should try to get a good amount or just one?
Due to the sheer cost of shipping, one item would not be worth it, yet I cannot help you with the packaging matter.
First off, where are you located?

If in the US you're not going to be able to ship them in without risk of pretty severe penalties and breaking the law.
If you're anywhere where they are legal you need to obtain the proper papers from you government about shipping CITES fish.
Shipping individual fish would be very costly and unless money is not an object, there are better ways to do it.

The best way to do it is if you buy in bulk directly from the farm (10-20 fish, if you're talking all reds and golds you're talking a >$10000) they can offer you discounted prices. But then you'd have to setup potential buyers. Also if you buy bulk from the farm you don't have to worry about shipping procedures, just pick them up.
i am located in california but i have many relatives in Vietnam and i think i can get a deal on the fish. just want to know about the manner on which to ship them and the rules and regulations
My best guess is that you will have to contact your local government office for "environment & fisheries".
Importing without correct procedures in plance is not worth the risk.
i am located in california but i have many relatives in Vietnam and i think i can get a deal on the fish. just want to know about the manner on which to ship them and the rules and regulations
LOL, no way you're shipping asian arowanas into the US legally.
The gov doesn't give hobbyists permits to keep asian aros.

Better settle for jardinis, they're the closest looking thing

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