Shibbys Mini Adventure.


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
weston, UK
welll you may or may not knwo that ive had a 180 set up for a month now :p

and today i managed to get a 39litre - 10 gallon tank i believe, for a tenner!

my plans for it and my 40gal are as follows:

40 gal not turning into reef didnt want to pay so much for MH lights for its depth and it allows me to get a valentini puffer and other non reef safes :)

plans for 10gal:

70+ watts of lighting for soft corals and easy lps! hydor koralia for good water movement, it will also house my 5 scarleet hermits just to ensure they dont get eaten by the puffer and a few of my snails again for there safety from non reef fish!

im going to use some of my fullycured LR from my main tank about 4-5kg of it, and stock up my main tank in the future.

im not going to run an external filter hopefully with alot of LR good flow and lotsa water changes i hope to be okay.

it will be mainly for corals but i may put a small green clown goby in it cus i think there awesome but wouldnt risk it in my other tank!

im going to have to research alot into corals alot more but i was thinking polyps, leathers, mushrooms, xenia etc. gonan research for a while on corals, and i should be able to afford the rest in a few weeks !

any thoughts, comments or nano advice would be appreciated :good:
Sounds like fun. I have a green clown goby in my 5.5 and he's doing fine so far, though I still don't know what he eats, I never see him eat, but he lives. Polyps and mushrooms are good, I have them.
I've got a yellow clown goby and he eats Ocean Nutrition Formula One flake food. He also loves frozen spirulina enriched brine shrimp


You'll have to excuse the pic, I took it with the web cam on my laptop! But that's what the jar looks like.

t5 t5 t5.......

get the amount of tubes of t5 that you want for softies and lps, then maybe one day get some more tubes and get some sps.
welll my tank is filled with water .... 1.023 salinity, and a 3/4 inch substrate has been added!!

stocking options .... hermtis and snails and LR from main tank being moved over of course :)

fiishies : green clown goby ... jawfish ..... pipefish or a royal gramma !

corals: softies and easier lps or sps i fortgoteen which is easier out of 2 :blush: after a while i may go harder since il have like 15 watts per gallon and a high flow rate from hydor koralias :)

any suggestions on small fish or good starter corals will be appreciated!
15 watts willo be fine for SPS or LPS, just make sure you have the flowrate to match, i would have thought at least 30-40x turnover for SPS. I know a lot of forum members will argue this but you could also keep a small clam, i think they are fantastic in small tanks, though it depends if you want the risk. I have seen people successfully keep clams in a 1 gallon tank.

If you have never kept corals before start with softies: Mushrooms, Zoo's, Leathers and GSP should get you ready. My first coral was a purple clove polyp frag, and its still alive and well in my tank.
15 watts willo be fine for SPS or LPS, just make sure you have the flowrate to match, i would have thought at least 30-40x turnover for SPS. I know a lot of forum members will argue this but you could also keep a small clam, i think they are fantastic in small tanks, though it depends if you want the risk. I have seen people successfully keep clams in a 1 gallon tank.

If you have never kept corals before start with softies: Mushrooms, Zoo's, Leathers and GSP should get you ready. My first coral was a purple clove polyp frag, and its still alive and well in my tank.

Whats the risk of keeping a clam?
jawfish need atleast a 3inch sandbed, pipefish are hard to take care of and need livefood, low current, what about a single percula clown or a pair?
jawfish need atleast a 3inch sandbed, pipefish are hard to take care of and need livefood, low current, what about a single percula clown or a pair?

Pipe fish are fine. Ive got one in my 8 gallon with a high current and it eats brine and mysis :)
What kind of jawfish? Yellowheaded need more than 3 inches, I'd say about 4 or 5. They have to be able to fit their whole body in there at night. They also need many different sized of substrate, so the burrow doesn't collapse. Fine sand isi the worst, but if it's mixed it would probably be okay.
Whats the risk of keeping a clam?

Clams are known to deteriorate quickly when they die, the resulting die-off could nuke a nano tank pretty quickly. They also need high lighting to survive, loads of T5 tubes or Halides only really.

Another way clams can die is if they are eaten by bristleworms, they can get inside the clam from the base and eat them from the inside which is hard to spot.
kkyyllee- ive got a 3-4 inch sand bed, cus i no they like to burrow, alot its not fine sand which i heard was bad for them. pipefish i no also are hard to feed, only get one if i can find one that eats frozen at the lfs, and itr will only be in with a jawfish, since one reaseon they dont get to eat is that there scared off by more aggresive feeders at feeding time. and i already have 2 clowns in my 180 so i dont want another one reli :p the low current for the pipefish though would concern me most would prohibit some corals, im gonan keep an eye of adams tank to see how his gets on first :)

n3ont3tra - yep your right fine sand is bad, ive got a mixture of crushed coral, and some bigger marine gravel stuff, name evades me in there, about 8kg all mixed up. it would be a yellowhead most likely.
ohh i thot you meant 3/4 inch sand bed not 3-4 inch, a jawfish would be fine with that depth, make sure your tank is covered really good and tightly, and there arent gaps or else it will end up on the floor in a few nights
o yeh i can see why u thought that my bad! lol
yeh ive got a tight fitting lid, there be no carpet or in my case floorboard surfing on my watch :)

anyone got any other unsual nano fish ideas?

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