Fish Herder
welll you may or may not knwo that ive had a 180 set up for a month now
and today i managed to get a 39litre - 10 gallon tank i believe, for a tenner!
my plans for it and my 40gal are as follows:
40 gal not turning into reef didnt want to pay so much for MH lights for its depth and it allows me to get a valentini puffer and other non reef safes
plans for 10gal:
70+ watts of lighting for soft corals and easy lps! hydor koralia for good water movement, it will also house my 5 scarleet hermits just to ensure they dont get eaten by the puffer and a few of my snails again for there safety from non reef fish!
im going to use some of my fullycured LR from my main tank about 4-5kg of it, and stock up my main tank in the future.
im not going to run an external filter hopefully with alot of LR good flow and lotsa water changes i hope to be okay.
it will be mainly for corals but i may put a small green clown goby in it cus i think there awesome but wouldnt risk it in my other tank!
im going to have to research alot into corals alot more but i was thinking polyps, leathers, mushrooms, xenia etc. gonan research for a while on corals, and i should be able to afford the rest in a few weeks !
any thoughts, comments or nano advice would be appreciated
and today i managed to get a 39litre - 10 gallon tank i believe, for a tenner!
my plans for it and my 40gal are as follows:
40 gal not turning into reef didnt want to pay so much for MH lights for its depth and it allows me to get a valentini puffer and other non reef safes
plans for 10gal:
70+ watts of lighting for soft corals and easy lps! hydor koralia for good water movement, it will also house my 5 scarleet hermits just to ensure they dont get eaten by the puffer and a few of my snails again for there safety from non reef fish!
im going to use some of my fullycured LR from my main tank about 4-5kg of it, and stock up my main tank in the future.
im not going to run an external filter hopefully with alot of LR good flow and lotsa water changes i hope to be okay.
it will be mainly for corals but i may put a small green clown goby in it cus i think there awesome but wouldnt risk it in my other tank!
im going to have to research alot into corals alot more but i was thinking polyps, leathers, mushrooms, xenia etc. gonan research for a while on corals, and i should be able to afford the rest in a few weeks !
any thoughts, comments or nano advice would be appreciated