Shibby Time Journal


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
weston, UK
il re start my journal here the other was kinda filled with crunk.

welll been up for a few months now, going ok 1 death so far which was a bit gutting but ive shown bouncebackability after a few weeks n have now finally started to re stock. so stock list:

2x black n white clownies ( oba and shearer)

1x valentini puffer (puffy)

1x longnose butterfly (pinochio)

1x cleaner wrasse (cleany)


5x scarlett hermits

1x snail ..... i dnt have a clue where the others are perished somehwere :|

1x orange stripey hermit name of which i do not no

coming sooon:

1x free white tailed trigger - about an inch and a half its growing till 7inches then rehomed in my lfs tank :)

1x longnose hawkfish

1x pseudochromis frimani

pictures will follow soon i cant be arsed to upload yet !!! andand i no some of my fishies are a bti controversial e.g cleaner wrasse so dont go shouting i consulted shop about it alot.!

quick set up details:

juwel 50 us gal

18 kg live rock

external filter

to add next paycheck: skimmer!!!

a few powerheads wanna get flow up bit more though!

as i said pictures to follow, any comments welcoem gd n bad i can take it im still learning all the time!
full tank shot bit wonky.





a blurred cleaner wrasse



the clowns of course


blurred wrasse with butterfly there together alot


finally the butterfly

thanks ski :D not worried abotu it anymore its not shy at alll chases the cleaner wrasse around a bit though :p and the cleaner in turn trys to clean the valentini so that runs or sud i say swims quickly away lol.

im still thinking about risking a few corals, im gambling that my valentini wont nip certain ones and the trigger wen i get it since its of the sufflemen genus meaning it is one of the most placid and reef safe according to my research and a little help from lynden! also a hawkfish which i no have succesfully been kept in reefs!
Gimme your black & white clowns shibbyyyyyyyyyyyy. Ill swap them for a blue damsel :fun:
hmmm not thats an offer i can easily refuse! looks to the left, happy clowns swimming awwww ... taunting i am :D

i just saw in another post about the store and the display tank haha, what you want to do is find pure black and white clowns, though the orange noses are cute in there own right ....

luckily ive just staretd work at my marine shop, so first picks on things and then 20% off, more taunting yes!!! gonna get a nice magenta dottyback for a tenner followed by a possible trip to tmc on friday to scout out fish for the store and pick up a lush wrasse!! come down to weston and il get black and white clowns in for ya haha!
Yup these were all black and super cute! I was so annoyed when they said they were in quarantine ready for the display. :(
then your gonna be mad i may be deploying you cant buy that magenta dottyback tomorow since il be taking it i hope :D your find nice black n whites sooon! and i saw u have to pay 14.95 for live rock :eek: i now get it for 7.99 a kilo o yeh!
just a little update for yall. my hydor koralia came today 3200 litres an hour its working well so far :p ive adapted my otehr 2 powerheads to to protect them for the valentini but still allow a good intake. so i now have about 26x turnover in the tank

my last fish for a while is also going in now a strawbery dottyback or also known as a magenta dottyback, it will brighten up the tank thats fo'sure!
what a difference a day makes :|

everything was going well yesterday, dottyback had settled in well every fish was out and about feeding ... then bang today my butterfly was covered in whitespot and a slight brown he looked lifless and in the end sucumbed to nature :( the cleaner wrasse also looks a little down.

i tested my water had ammonia in it possible cause, im thinking since my powerheads buggered and lost flow alot the live rock may of had dead bits leading to an ammonia spike any thoughts on this would be appriciated ... now ive moved round my rock and set the new hydor korlia next to them and one powerhead behind them to ensure no dead spots again i hope!

as for the fish in there they will be coming into work with me soon to go into the quarenteen tanks while i strive to sort out the water in my tank. i think perhaps running skimeerless wasnt the best idea, i will be getting a v2 400 for 70quid sooon i hope!

so after a few months i was considering taking a break :| but i feel things like this will happen and its how you deal with them and make them right which is important, so out comes the wallet soon and im gonna buy some better decent equipment, skimmer, lights, more live rock, another hydor koralia to replace the crappy aquaclears... but first a major water change after the fish are out into a work quarenteen for a few days, i can keep an eye on them there and see if any others need treatment for whitespot...

:( not a good end of month :-(
How is the hydor koralia working? Are they reliable and energy efficent. I have heard good things about them. I'm thinking of getting 2 of the hydor koralia 2's, 600 gph for my rio 180, do you think this would be enough turnover?

there nice and quiet and a great flow on them, only had it a day yet i like it so so much more then the aquaclears.

2 hydor korlia 2's will be good there give you a 25/26x turnover rate :good:
I wouldnt mind some either. Shibby's gonna buy them for me and get a nice big staff discount. He doesn't know it yet but, like sex with Mike Tyson.... whether you like it or not.... its gonna happen. :sly:
haha, were getting in some wave box liek things apparently 45 quid :eek: il be gettign one of them! along with a skimmer and hopefully nothign else will die on me :|

u may be in luck ak at this rate soon il be giving the clowns away !!

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