She's Awful!


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I thought my resident dwarf puffer had accepted the new one since she wasn't paying any attention to it these past couple of days, but unfortunately, I was very wrong.

I saw the resident puffer attack the little one, she latched on to it's belly and wouldn't let go. :-( :( I finally got the little one out (she puffed up when the big one latched on, which was horrifying), and put her in a two gallon by herself. I thought for sure she would be dead this morning, but is still alive...barely :-( :-( .

She's not eating anything, and I'm sure I'll loose her, but atleast she won't be attacked anymore. :(
What have you tried feeding them on, mine go mad for blood worm, maybe if you dropped some near her, failing that brine shrimp is really small. Maybe worth adding some Melafix to the tank to see if that helps her.
I've tried frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, a small live snail, and frozen baby brine shrump, I also added MelaFix. She still hasn't eaten. When I got her she had a sucken tummy, but I"m sure that's because the LFS was only throwing in flakes. -_- She's still alive...but I'd really wish she's eat...or atleast show interest. :/
Most fish while sick or severly injured wont eat. Since it wont eat right now id hold off on the feedings to prevent bad water conditions. Try again in 3 days and see what happens. Keep up with the Melefix also. Dont worry about it not eating, they can go a considerable long time without food.

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