Shells in a tank


Fish Addict
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
England, Luton
my sister just came from a beach trip and brought bak some shells, and she said i should put some in my tank, it would look "pretty"

i was like :hey: cool idea :nod:

theyve been in cold water since morining now, ( thats about 6 hrs ) can i just rinse them again and chuck them into the tank ?

or what shall i do
Boiling decorations found outdoors is always a good precaution just to make sure. Then you can be absolutely sure that they will be perfectly safe for your tank.
Boil them twice just to be sure - Don't want to loose a load of fish for some "pretty" Shells
Hi Akhtar,

The other thing that hasn't been mentioned is the possible rise in pH - usually won't harm most fish unless they like a low pH. The shells can also add calcium to your tank, which some FW fish might not appreciate.

Some livebearers, however, should love the change in pH.
I have them in both of my tanks, just a few of course. I love the way a shell here and there looks!!

Good Luck!

Put them on a shelf instead. I once returned home from a trip to California and put several shells at the bottom of a 10-gallon tank that I had in my college apartment. A couple of days later, a couple of cory catfish suddenly died. I called my lfs and told them what had happened. The first words out of the guys mouth were, "Are there any sea shells in the tank?"

He explained that saltwater shells break down in freshwater, altering the chemistry and killing bottom feeders first. I have never put a sea shell in one of my tanks again.
Shells increase the pH in water. Putting too much in a tank, will cause a pH shock. I would not add the shells with the neons, since they are very sensitive to water conditions.
Also, if the water is acid, it will react with the shells causing calcium to disolve into the water.

There is less of an effect if the water is already alkaline as alkaline does not attack the shell.
Woody said:
Put them on a shelf instead. I once returned home from a trip to California and put several shells at the bottom of a 10-gallon tank that I had in my college apartment. A couple of days later, a couple of cory catfish suddenly died. I called my lfs and told them what had happened. The first words out of the guys mouth were, "Are there any sea shells in the tank?"

He explained that saltwater shells break down in freshwater, altering the chemistry and killing bottom feeders first. I have never put a sea shell in one of my tanks again.
salt burns corries skin thats why :( sorry to hear it tho
Shells or Corals in freshwater alters the pH. It increases it. If you don't believe me, check the pH in a cup of water without the shells, then add the shells and wait a few hours, maybe days and check it again.

If your water is acidic then you can add the shells to make it alkaline . But if you have fish in the tank, add a few shells VERY SLOWLY. Sudden increases in pH will cause pH shock and kill the fish. I believe cichlids prefer alkaline waters.

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