So i realize that i could just google this problem and I'll find the answer, which i did, but its a little more to it than that which i can't find; so here's my backstory. I have a small fishtank with a few cardinals which have been with me for almost a year now. There are a few shrimp in there that have also been with the cardinals since the beginning. But recently i had a ramshorn infestation due to a plant i bought recently. (I love them, a few of them are fine and cute but once it reaches the 20+ number it gets annoying.) So about a week ago i went to buy one anentome helena and a black nerite snail. (because i got lazy of cleaning the glass, let him do the work lol) My nerite snail is fine and dandy, like an algae killer machine. But for my anentome helena, i realized that the first few days i got him he dug himself into the substrate. The next few days i saw he had severe shell erosion, his tip of the shell was blunt and white. And now today i saw him lying on the substrate upside-down. I realize its prolly too late for him but i really want to know what caused this.
- My nerite snail is doing fine
- Still a ramshorn infestation
- PH 7.4-7.6 ish
- Everything in the tank is fine except for this snail
- Once this problem has been figured out and i fix it, i might get another anentome and don't worry the nerite is atleast twice the size of the anentome.
Thanks you guys, I know most people don't think much of snails. But once i put something into the box of love and responsibility (the fish tank), everything inside it no matter how small i'll care for. Hope somebody with more knowledge would care for mine too.
If there's anything you're curious about PLEASE ASK, I LOVE QUESTIONS!!! YOU CAN DO IT IN ALL CAPS IF YOU WANT TO
Tank you peeps
- My nerite snail is doing fine
- Still a ramshorn infestation
- PH 7.4-7.6 ish
- Everything in the tank is fine except for this snail
- Once this problem has been figured out and i fix it, i might get another anentome and don't worry the nerite is atleast twice the size of the anentome.
Thanks you guys, I know most people don't think much of snails. But once i put something into the box of love and responsibility (the fish tank), everything inside it no matter how small i'll care for. Hope somebody with more knowledge would care for mine too.
If there's anything you're curious about PLEASE ASK, I LOVE QUESTIONS!!! YOU CAN DO IT IN ALL CAPS IF YOU WANT TO
Tank you peeps