Shelf Life Of Dechlorinator


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2006
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
I've found a website that sells 5 litre bottles of Tetra Aquasafe which work out a lot cheaper than buying the 500ml bottles but at the rate I use it that would last about 7 years. Does Aquasafe have an expiry date after which it becomes ineffective?
5 LITRES!!! Crikey, I bet that costs a lot to deliver! Is there nothing on their website about shelf life?

Can I ask, what web-site is that from?



If you want things cheaper, look at the pond equivalents....
5 LITRES!!! Crikey, I bet that costs a lot to deliver! Is there nothing on their website about shelf life?

Can I ask, what web-site is that from?



If you want things cheaper, look at the pond equivalents....

Why pay out for the expesive stuff just gett pond declorinator i do got 1 lita bottle good for 15000 gallons does no harm to me fish, and i keep Discus, all i do is adjust the amount needed
I order the gallon bottles but that doesn't last a year with the tanks I have (or had) running. It usually has a date on it. The bottle of Stress Coat I have has Nov. 2009 for an expiration date and I've probably had it for close to 2 years (refilling from gallon jug) so that would mean it probably had about a 4 or 5 year shelf life.

Edit: I just went to check the last large bottle I ordered. It's a half gallon that I got in Oct. of 2006 and the expiration date is Aug. of 2011 so I'd say about 5 years is the shelf life.
So is pond water conditioner the same as regular conditioner sold for actual fish tanks? Is the only difference the size of the bottle?
Generically speaking, they do the same thing. I *think*Pond dechlorinator is more concentrated, so not only is it cheaper, it treats more water (by about a factor 5).

Hence, I'd guess it's ten times cheaper overall. Note Tetra do a Tetra 'Pond' AquaSafe...

See here for a review of commercially available water conditioners:


Before 'acting' on my info above, wait for other more knowledgable than me to come in on this. I'm not sure at all.
The only thing to be concerned with on the pond dechlorinator is it's really hard to measure if you have a small tank. I use the API dechlorinator that's 1 ml per 20 gallons. Doing a water change on a 10 gal tank with it is really inconvenient. On the 75 gal, it's cake.
Could you not prepare a months worth (or whatever) of diluted dechlorinator and use that instead....?

Or is that idea flawed? :unsure:
Could you not prepare a months worth (or whatever) of diluted dechlorinator and use that instead....?

Or is that idea flawed? :unsure:

i measure my pond declorinator out with a syringe no hasle then once worked out piece of cake, 1.2 ml per 22 gallon change mixed in my ext tub pre heated , just make sure its for metals as well as chloramines and such some only do chloramines nearly made that mistake myself
Pond dechlor is the way to go.

Mine isn't the most concentrated, but it does 80 imperial gallons for 10ml of water change. So I just put 5 ml in the rack system (I change around 30-40 gallons there) and 10 ml in the bigger system (around 40-60 gallons changed there).

I don't worry about overdosing and know that I can always throw a top up of water in without dechlor without worrying.
Could you not prepare a months worth (or whatever) of diluted dechlorinator and use that instead....?

Or is that idea flawed? :unsure:

I do that with gallon jugs of water but with smaller doses for dechlor it would work better for those with smaller amounts of water to change.
5 LITRES!!! Crikey, I bet that costs a lot to deliver! Is there nothing on their website about shelf life?

Can I ask, what web-site is that from?



If you want things cheaper, look at the pond equivalents....


They charge 2.90 postage for orders under £29, free postage over £29 but they've nicely priced the 5 litre botle at £28.90 :rolleyes: There's a few other bits and pieces on the site I could make use of to bump the total order price up for free delivery though.

Thanks for the tip about the pond dechlorinator but I've got the problem others have mentioned in that my tanks aren't that large, I have a 130l and 60l tank at the moment.
Thanks Ian,

Yes, Zooplus, I have come across them before: They do seem to be quite a bit cheaper than everyone else!


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