She Jumped. When Can I Re-introduce Her?


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Well, I had a bit of a accedent this morning (thanks you of those who helped me), you can find the story Here.

Anyways, I'm not going to re-introduce her right now obvoiusly, I think I'll wait for a few days.
I'm going to get her another female companion, but when? When is it safe?
Should I introduce them together? Should I have the 2nd female in the hospital tank with the 1st female for a while, then move them together in with the male?
Any help is greatly appriceated.
If she seems to recover and remains calm then it should be okay to return her but put a bit of window screen over the gaps and give the male a couple of others to chase as well. While in the quarintine be sure to stir the water so she gets some air. Use a cup or pitcher and scoop out some water from the tank and pour it in again so it creates a waterfall effect and bubbles. Try to do this on the opposite side of the tank. If she swims into the water flow then it is a good sign that she is after more oxygen, or doing better. My Swordies always gather when I am refilling. Not sure if they think it is fun to have new water poured on their heads or just looking for food. Best of luck!
Thanks, I added a filter to the 5G.
I'm thinking about 2 more female swordies, but I might only get one more..
Should I try and give her normal amount of light, normal feeding schedual, ect, or should i feed her little amounts through out the day?
Get more females. You should cover that hole with something, at least a sheet of paper.
I'll have to look around, maybe find a peice of thick black construction paper.
If there's one thing I hate more, its a messy appearence of a fish tank. :/
I know, but it works.
Though just get more pinapples, although it's not really hybreeding, the babies will look odd if the male pinapple breeds with them.
Thats cool. I like em' out of the ordanary.
What do red and silver make?
How do you know who has the stronger genes? (we learned all about this last year)
Is it just as random as in humans?
Is there a way spicifically to desipher the colors?
Also, how can you tell the difference between a female swordy, and a female platie when they're all swiming together in the same tank?
Specifically dechiper the colors? You mean what is dominate over what? Or what do you mean? :)

You can tell because they look different. Platies tend to have a deeper body, and are shorter. Swordies tend to be longer and kinda slender. Unless you are talking about Variatus Platies...then it's slightly hard to tell, but the Platies tend to be smaller when full grown.

Female Platy:

Female Swordy:
Right now I have a silver male, I'm going to try and get either a red and orange females, or maybe another pinnaple.
I can only fit 2 females in my 10G, correct?

Annastasia: Thanks for clearing it up; they still look alot me, anyways :/
Yes, she died. I believe it was internal bleeding on the inside. I believe on the fall out of the tank, she hit a dry rock decoration, bounced of that and landed on her spot in the carpet, where I came along and found her half dead. I really thouight she was going to pull through.
i'm realy sorry when i first started my if's gave me some not so great advise :angry: and i get new tank syndrome it happened twice (i'm slow ok) i lost 6 fish in total before i realy got started but that was almost a year ago and i'v had no problemes since i hope the breeding goes well with your otherswordies and you'll have to update me with you findings

(i'v been meaning to change the name and havent figured out how! oh well)

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