She is still pregnant


Fish Crazy
Mar 12, 2003
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Mountains of Northern California, USA. At the
Well, a couple days ago I thought my pregnant mollie had aborted just before delivery. Last night she was fat as could be; looked like she was going to split wide open. This morning she is still fat but not so much as last night. Here's the question...
Is it possible for mollies to birth over a period of time? Even as I raised them before I never saw any actually give birth as they seem to prefer night time. Maybe I am just an anxious poppa. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me... :S
MrBink said:
Well, a couple days ago I thought my pregnant mollie had aborted just before delivery. Last night she was fat as could be; looked like she was going to split wide open. This morning she is still fat but not so much as last night. Here's the question...
Is it possible for mollies to birth over a period of time? Even as I raised them before I never saw any actually give birth as they seem to prefer night time. Maybe I am just an anxious poppa. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me... :S
I have two pregnant mollies I read some where that it cant take up to 2 days before they have all of thier babies I have counted the days I dont think she is ever going to go. I cant wait I have a ten gallon tank waiting for them

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