

New Member
Jul 5, 2004
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I am plannin on keeping a shark in my 30G community tank.

I like the red tailed sharks and rainbow sharks.

Has anyone got any ideas?
Epalzeorhynchus bicolor
Its size is about 14cm, so 30g tank would be too small for it during few months. It's recommended to keep it tanks that are at minium about 250 liters because otherwise fish may start to harass other fishes. Don't mix it with Crossocheilus siamensis!

Epalzeorhynchos frenatum
It's a little bit bigger than former fish. Same thing with this fish.

And don't mix them together! They are kept alone.

Those both fishes are calm, when tank is large enough and well planted. Then they usually don't harass other fishes at all.
OK thanks.

I'll have to wait till i get a bigger tank.

The liars in the LFS said i would be able to put two in the tank!
The columbian shark get to 10". Rainbow shark get to 6". Silver apollo shark 8". The true flying fox (Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus) get to 6" and eats algae. Black shark get to 2'. Bala shark get 10". Albino rainbow shark get to 6". Redtail shark get up to 4". Of these, I would recommend rainbow shark, true flying fox, albino rainbow shark, and the redtail shark. What is your current stock? Go here if you wanna see what they look like:
i have just got mollies in at the moment dalmation and black.

I am trying to plan what i want.

i was thinking of some tetras, tiger barbs and maybe guramis although unsure wether the barbs would nip them or not?
wilko said:
The liars in the LFS said i would be able to put two in the tank!
What?? No way! They'll kill each other!

No fish with large fins with tiger barbs. Tigers will harass them all the time.
mollies and guppies are naturally brackish to salt water fish. THey are very hardy so they can withstand freshwater. Also, at the LFS they keep them in freshwater, so if you buy them and put them in a brackish water setup the change in water parameters will shock and kill them.
In my opinion I think that a RTB or Rainbow shark would do just fine in a 30 gallon tank. If you have some plants, a hiding place(for the shark) and a few hardy mid to upper level fish you "should" have no problems.
You should never put two RTB's or Rainbow sharks together as they do not tolerate eachother.

I also wouldn't get one of those guys or Tiger Barbs if you have mollies. Although it has been done before I personally think that it would be too stressful for them.

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