well as 4 the id sharks, it takes them 11 yrs 2 get to full size, some1 that has them told me thats how long it took theirs, and theyre only 1 inch and 1.5 inches. i was positive about getting the bigger tank, but maybe not right now, but im going 2 get a maybe 30 over the summer instead. i just have 2 get a car first so i can go and get one w/out my mom or dad being able to say no.
i dont know how long it takes the balas but this one isnt that big, 2 inches id say. maybe a bit bigger if the tail is included.
and if we r 2 get a bigger tank, well either combine what we have now, or get keep them were they r and get cichlids, wouldnt the rtb or rainbow sharks kill them?