

Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2008
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Is it possible to keep a pair of silver sharks in a community tank. I know they get large but are two ok?, would they eat neons etc? are they peaceful?

i was going to buy a ruby shark but im worried about their aggression
hi carney
Tanksize is everything when it comes to species that can and will grow to 12-13inches,
if kept alone or in too small a group they can become quite territorial, when bigger it is possible for them to eat neons
Silvers get to 12" and are very skitish.....

If the tank is to small they will stress the other fish esp when you feed them.
Large fish may not eat neon's will surly stress them to lethal levels.

What size is your tank a ruby would be a better chance but they still want a good sized tank.
my tank is 48x12x15, 35 gallon i think.
are rubys ok with small tetras etc?
im getting contrasting views
a ruby will be fin in there, give them a nice cave or bog wood to call a home and they will chase off other fish but should do no harm.

You could have a small group of silvers in their but they will soon grow to a large size.
thats my big question

1 ruby or 3 silver?

silvers are skittish, jump adn get distressed and grow massive so im tempted for the one ruby shark to be my "tank boss" :)
just worriedit will eat my neons etc
a ruby won't eat fish, it will simply chase them from its cave
I would avoid the Silvers please.

They will not kill smaller fish to eat as a rule, but coz of their skittish nature they can cause many fish to die from stress, and then thay ,ay eat the dead fish as will almost all fish.
How big is your tank?

But yeah - as a rule stay away from bala's in groups, which sucks cos they look soo awesome!

I always wanted a red-tailed black shark, but I think in my 15gal tank it would just be too small - so i can appreciate your troubles! Just plan another tank around them for the future - get all the right decor and stuff, and get it later in the year - thats what i'm gonna do with a betta and tiger babrs (Not in the same tank mind ;) )

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