

Fish Addict
Jun 24, 2007
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Smack Dab in the Center of the Good Ol' U.S. of A
Hey, I'm new to this section and I was wondering if anyone kept any sharks here. Now, I don't mean sharks like Great Whites, I'm referring to smaller sharks like Bamboo Sharks. I checked out a book at my local library that said Bamboo Sharks are ideal sharks to keep in marine aquaria, even for beginner marine keepers.

I was thinking of getting a 250 gallon aquarium that would have a section of reef, and a wide open sandy area. It would have live sand and rock, and various corals. Could someone give me some tips on keeping sharks??

Well I am not sure how many of the members here do keep Elasmobranches in the home aquaria. However I do, so I will do my best to help you out. My first peice of advice is to purchase the book "Aquarium Sharks & Rays" by Scott Micheal, its a great book for aquarists looking at getting involved in the keeping of Sharks and Rays. Now I hate to burst your bubble, but a 250 gallon is not going to cut it for a Brown Banded Bamboo, they need atleast 350 gallons to thrive ethically. The only Sharks that will work for you in the 250gallon for life is the Coral Cat Shark and or Marbeled Cat Shark. When keeping Sharks you need a large foot print, keep in mind Width is more important than any other dimension, length coming in second, and height being the third most important dimension. Sharks need very fine soft substrates so try and stick with Aragonite type substrates. Sharks need perfect water conditions and well established mature systems. So if its a new tank, let it run for a few months. They also need heavy filteration as they produce large bio-loads. You will need a skimmer rated for atleast 2x-3x your tanks volume and try to have your overall flow rate atleast 6x your tanks total volume. For instance on my 330 gallon grow out system my total flow rate is 13,000 gallons per hour approx.

Also, if you do not have the funds for a large tank at the moment. You can build large ponds / lagoons for very cheap. If you would like some information on how to go about building one of those let me know. As well if you need more information let me know.

Thanks, Brenden
No problem, always willing to help. Currently I am focusing on Altantic Smoothhounds and Leopard Sharks.
Correct, the Smoothhounds need a system around 2,500 gallons. The Leopards need a system around 7,000 gallons. Those ponds are in the planning construction phase, I am only growing the pups right now. Will post pictures when I get back from a camping trip tomorow.
Sorry for the wait. I will post some pictures in a bit. I am really busy with the arrival of a Shark next week so I hope you guys understand.
NO!!!! definately dont understand, we have been waiting for what feels like years for your pictures now get your finger out and send us some!!!

LOL only joking, totally understand, but like everyone else just cant wait LOL
Well the wait is some what over. Here are a few pictures of my 330gallon grow out system. Only problem is, I just found out I do not have my digital camera :crazy: So the only pictures I have are of the tank itself, no sharks. Hopefully these will tame your cravings for a few days haha






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